The Library - Part 1

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"Okay, class," Mr. Matthews says, as he sets a packet on everyone's desk. The entire class groans and rolls their eyes. Mr. Matthews just shakes his head and starts talking again.

"This week, you're all going to be working in partners. Now, before you get any ideas, I will be picking partners." Again, the class groans and rolls their eyes. I sigh and lay my head on my hand, since now I'm pretty sure I won't be with my best friend, Lucas. I look behind me and see that he's giving me one of those 'I'm sorry' looks. I shrug it off and turn back to Mr. Matthews.

"Alright, so, partners will go like this: Yogi and Dave; Darby and Zay; Sarah and Kimi; Smackle and Lucas; Zay and Farkle and..." He pauses for a minute. I begin to feel uncomfortable in my seat. I look over at Lucas and see that he's looking at Smackle. I shake my head and turn back to Mr. Matthews. He smiles and looks up, seemingly pleased with himself. Suddenly, my hands become sweaty and my heart beat speeds up. I look around the room and see that everyone is smiling. What is going on? Is this some kind of sick joke?

I'm cut off from my thoughts when Mr. Matthews clears his throat. "Alright, and the last pair will be: Maya and Riley!" I nearly fall out of my chair when he says those words. Riley and I absolutely hate each other! I mean, we used to be friends, but then in freshman year, she changed completely and became popular, leaving me to find new friends. Which now is just Lucas. Although, we're just friends because he likes Smackle and I like girls.

Yep, you heard right: I'm gay, and pretty proud of it. Lucas is ok with it too, because now I can tell him what girls like and help him when he has trouble talking to Smackle, who I think likes him back. But neither one will admit it to the other, sadly. I get too lost in my thoughts that when the bell rings, I almost miss it.

As I gather my things, Lucas walks up behind me and says, "Good luck, Short stack." I nod and mouth a 'thank you' before walking out the back door of the classroom. On my way to second period, I see Riley by her locker, putting her history stuff away. It takes all the strength I have in me to walk over to her and talk.

"So, uh, where do you wanna meet up? Y'know, for the history project?" It takes her a minute to respond, but when she does, she doesn't look at me.  "The New York public library should be a good place for research! See you there at 8pm tonight, goodbye!" And with that, she was gone. I only sighed and walked to my art class.

Man, what a day.

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