plane ticket home

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I walked through the hallways trying to find riley. She hasn't been around that much and I'm staring to get worried. I turn a corner and smile when I see a tall, yet petite, brunette standing by the water fountain. As she bends down to get a drink, I get a good look at her ass and have to bite my lip to keep in a moan. I walk over to the girl and she looks up, sensing my presence. She smiles at me. I peck her lip and she blushes. Ever since she came out as lesbian last year, people started to bully her, so she told everyone it was a lie,they believed her. I was crushed because I was lesbian too, and I thought we would actually have a chance to be together, but then, she told me she was lesbian and that she said it was a lie so that people would stop bullying her and saying stuff. I told her that I loved her and that I wanted to be with her. She told me the same and we've dated ever since. Everyone still looks at us funny, but we don't care. Though, after last year, Riley does have a lot of cuts on her skin. I always get worried when I see her go into a bathroom, because I'm scared that she'll start doing it again. I am broken from my thoughts by a hand moving against my cheek. I look at riley,who's giving me a worried and confused face. I smiled at her and she asked me what I was just thinking about. I kissed her cheek and said, "Nothing. Just about how much I love you." I pecked her lips and she blushed a rosy red. We interlock our fingers and walk out of the school.

"babe, do you wanna come in? My mom's not home " riley asked me. I sigh and say, "i guess. Come on." She yanked my hand and threw me on the couch. I smirked as she kissed me. I kissed back but with more passion. She pulled my blouse over my head and threw it on the floor. I did the same to her. We kissed each other and said, "I love you" multiple times. I sat up and riley straddled my lap. She placed her hands around my neck and I placed mine around her waist. She started kissing my neck and I let out a loud moan. Then, I kissed her neck and she moaned with pleasure.

I laid her back down on the couch, and this time, I was on top. riley let out a giggle and I said, through a heaving sigh, "I love that beautiful giggle of yours." she blushed. I kissed her neck again and started sucking. Then, I moved to her bare stomach. I placed little kisses all over it. Then, I moved up and put my hands on her breasts. Is squeezed them as hard as I could and she screamed, "MAYA!" I looked at her and knew she was pleased. I was about to unhook her bra when the front door opened, revealing rileys homophobic mother, Topanga Matthews. I got off of riley and she gasped. I grabbed my shirt off the floor and riley did the same. Mrs. Matthews walked over to us and looked at riley. Before we both knew it, rileys cheek was red. Her mother had slapped her! I tried to calm riley but her mother grabbed me by the hair and threw me out he door. I started crying because of how strong her grip was. riley was crying too. Before I knew it, the door was shut in my face. I put my ear to it and could hear riley being scolded.

Then I heard something I didn't want to hear;

"when your after gets home, we're sending you straight to California. " my eyes filled with tears. They were going to separate us. This couldn't happen. I wasn't going to let it happen.

The next day, as the love of my life was waiting to hop on a plane to California, I was looking everywhere for her. I texted and called her , but I'm guessing her mom took her phone away ,because she wasn't answering. I looked everywhere, but no luck. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a girl in waiting room C, she looked about rileys age and height. I walked over to get a closer look, and it was! I quickly ran in and over to her. Mr. And Mrs. Mathews gasped as they saw me and tried to get me away before riley saw me. But they failed because I yelled her name, "riley!" And she perked up. When she saw me, she dropped her bags and ran over to me. We embraced in a hug and then she kissed me. I kissed back. It was such an intense kiss.

"i love you" she said.
"i love you, too." I replied.

We kissed again, and then riley said, "let's get out of here," I smile.
"Where shall we go, Miss. Matthews?"
She giggled.

"Well, Miss. Hart, I was thinking califronia?"

I laugh and put my arm around her shoulders. We walk to the plane and riley says,

"But you don't have a -" I cut her off and take a ticket out of my pocket.

"I bought one in case it was too late, you won't get rid of me that easy, Matthews." She blushes.

We get on the plane and I looked out the window. New adventure, here we come.

My heart, I love rilaya 😏💯

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