"It's Riley and Maya. They're Gonna Marry Each Other"

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Twenty-three year old, Riley Matthews made sure she had everything she needed as she walked to her car. A tiny black Honda Civic she had just bought about a month ago. After making sure she had her cell phone, keys and other necessities, the tall brunette unlocked her car and got in. She didn't want to be late to her anniversary date with her girlfriend, Maya. They were celebrating seven years of being together. She really couldn't believe they had been together this long, and everyday was so much better than the first. She remembered the day they met. They were both seven years old and Maya had climbed in through Riley's bay window. From that moment on, they were inseparable. And in their sophomore year of high school, both girls came out and that's when Maya asked her out on a first official date. And then she asked her to be her girlfriend. She's been the happiest ever since.

"PEACHES!!!!!!!!!!!" Riley exclaimed, as she walked into Topanga's. It was a little cafe owned by her mother. This was the place Maya had asked her on their first date, and then to be her girlfriend. It was the perfect setting for an anniversary. The lovely couple hugged and shared a kiss. Not being bothered by the people starring at them. In truth, they were never bothered by what other people thought of them, or else they wouldn't be were they are now. As they sat down, Maya began to tell Riley how much she meant to her. And then out of nowhere, music started playing. No, it was their song. The song that Maya played when she asked her to he her girlfriend. Riley gasped, and then her family and closest friends popped out from somewhere- and while Riley was distracted, Maya got down on one knee. And Riley began crying. This wasn't happening!

"Peaches?" She croaked out. Maya smiled and pulled out a box. She opened it and started talking again.

"Riles, we've been best friends all of our lives. From the day we met, we became inseparable and thanks to you, Ive managed to overcome so many things that used to make me sad. You always put the biggest smile on my face. I never thought I would be this happy. And so in love. I mean, how many people get to say they marry their best friend? You've taught me many wondrous things, but the best of all has been that no matter what, hope isn't for suckers. And I will never be able to repay the love you've shown me in all these years. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone and I want to be this happy with you by my side for the rest of my life. Riley Matthews, will you make me the happiest peach in the world and.. marry me?" Riley couldn't believe it. She looked around the cafe, everyone was smiling and crying. Even Lucas, who used to have the biggest crush on Maya in middle school. Then she looked at Farkle- he always knew Riley and Maya would end up together. Just like her little brother, August. He smiled at his big sister and she smiled back. Then she looked at Maya and nodded. "YES! Of course I'll marry you baby!!!" Maya began crying as she slipped the diamond ring of her now fiancée's finger. Then they hugged and as they kissed, August said, "See? I told you: it's Riley and Maya, they're gonna marry each other!" The whole room burst out laughing and then they celebrated alongside the happy couple.

YAY!! Look at that two updates in one day!!!!!! This is so cute omggggg <333

- M

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