Cold Shower

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A lil somethin'


Opening the door I found Uzu wearing a casual outfit while holding a small bouquet of flowers.

"Uzu." I blushed.

"I bought these for you." He gave me the flowers, bringing them to my face I took a small whiff.

"Thanks. They're really pretty." I smiled.

"I'll take these! Now go on ahead and have fun!" Nonon grabbed the flowers and pushed me out.

"Be careful you two!" Satsuki yelled as Nonon shut the door.

"Uh, what were they doing here?" Uzu stared wide-eyed at my house as he opened the car door for me.

"They came to help me get ready because apparently, you couldn't shut your mouth about taking me out today." I laughed getting in his nice car.

"Heh..." He chuckled embarrassed, shutting the car door.

"So where are we going?" I asked once he got in the drivers seat.

"Well got us tickets for a movie and after that dinner?" He asked hesitantly.

"Why are you asking me?" I laughed.

"Right." He nodded.

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you're nervous," I smirked.

"Am not!" He exclaimed.

"Are so!"

"Am not!" We continued as such until we got to the theater.

"So what movie did you pick?" I asked finishing our banter.

"Zombies on the Titanic." He grinned.

"Hahah... Very funny. No, really what movie?" I asked again.

"Zombies on the Titanic."

"You bastard." I gasped as we sat down in the theater room.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"You know what you did." I pouted as the lights dimmed and the horror/romance movie started, hesitantly I moved closer to Uzu to which he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. As the movie progressed I ended up nearly on Uzu's lap by the time it was halfway through. Spending most of the movie hiding in Uzu's chest I was finally in peace when the movie ended and we got to leave the cinema.

"Thank god it's over!" I cried as he drove us to the restaurant for dinner.

"Stop being a crybaby it wasn't that bad!" Uzu chuckled.

"It was for me!" I pouted crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'll make it up to you, after dinner you can get two desserts." He held his fingers up.

"Two?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yep!" He nodded.

.  .  .

"Holy cow I'm so full!" I sighed as I got back into the car.

"I'm glad you liked it." He smiled.

"Mhm..." I nodded before knocking out in a deep sleep.

~Uzu's Pov~

"(Y/n)?" I asked turning to the now sleeping girl. Letting out a sigh I took her to my house and carried her to my room, avoiding all and any family. Finally placing her on the bed I began to leave to get her some pajamas.

"Uzu~" She moaned softly, sending shivers down my spine. Turning to the female I watched as she sleepily got up making her sweater slip to the side revealing a bit of her boob. Quickly I ran to my closet and threw her a t-shirt.

"Put that on," I ordered avoiding to look at her after a few seconds of silence I found her asleep again with my t-shirt on.

'She looks so cute in my clothes.' I smiled.

"Uzu~" She moaned again.

'I need a cold shower...'


I love that line now

Uzu Sanageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now