Chapter Two

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I wake up early on Thursday morning, as usual, however, despite getting the same amount of sleep that I always get, I'm tired. The stupid thing, I've learned, about the human body is the inconsistency of the needed sleep cycle. Despite how I feel, I roll out of bed and change into my typical attire of a baggy sweater with high waisted jeans and Vans.

When I get downstairs, into the kitchen, my dad is sitting at his spot at the counter, reading his paper with his coffee sitting in front of him.
"Hey, honey," He says, not looking to me.
"Hey," I answer, "I gotta go, bye."
"Bye, honey," He says, not looking to me.

"Hey," I say to Jenna when I walk over to the table we always sit at.
"Hi," She answers and sets her phone down, "Ohmygod, Sydney's cousin, Lindsey, right? apparently she used to date Jason Peters. According to Sydney, it was a bad break up because apparently Jason Peters never actually loved Lindsey? and so she spread rumors about him."
"Woah, like what?" I ask, unsure of how this is at all relevant.

"She claimed that he cheated on her with someone," Jenna answers, "Apparently she accused Jason Peters of sexually harassing her after they broke up, but there were no witnesses and nobody knew who to believe."
"And he didn't, just, leave the school after that?" I ask, leaning on the table.
"He left the next week, but since Lindsey was also the one who said he was smoking weed, nobody knows if that's actually what happened," She says, finishing her gossip.

"Maybe, or maybe not, I guess," I answer, "I mean, it's none of our business."
Jenna rolls her eyes, "Of course it is, Lee. Everything is."
I laugh and pull my books from my backpack to set them on the table.
"You're always so homework oriented now," Jenna comments with a grin.
"I need to get into a good college," I answer, "If I don't do good, nobody will accept me, and if nobody accepts me I'll be a hobo, and if I'm a hobo I'll never find true love. Then I might as well be dead."
Jenna laughs at me and rolls her eyes, also pulling out her text books.

In English, Jayce comes in a minute before Mrs. Monroe does, which is still late, but technically isn't late.
"Wow, Jason," Someone comments from the back of the room, "Decided not to smoke?"
"Just Jayce," Jayce remarks, sittting in his chair and sliding down in it, folding his arms over his chest.
"Sorry, Jason," The guy answers before snickering with his friends.
Jayce slams his hand on the table and stands up, turning to the back with a glare.

The once loud room falls silent as everyone watches and waits for the hell hole that's about to go down.
"Don't fucking call me Jason," Jayce growls and everyone looks back to Markus, who must have been the one talking.

Markus is known for his inability to not wreak havoc. Since freshmen year, he's been gaining friends solely because he disrespects teachers and has no respect for women. He's what would be classified as a "hot badboy smoker" guy, but not in the sense that he'll change over the course of the book, rather he'll stay the same and make everyone's lives hell after the book is over.

Markus stands up from his seat in the back corner to test Jayce with his eyes.
"Okay, Jason," Markus answers and Jayce makes a move.
Before he can reach Markus, a couple guys grab him and tell him beating up Markus isn't worth it. Not only will it give Markus exactly what he wants, but it'll also put Jayce in a bad position. However, this isn't convincing enough and Jayce tears away from them, launching himself at Markus.

It takes several football players and a few teachers to pull Jayce off of Markus. Mrs. Monroe struggles to keep herself calm as she tells off Jayce in front of all of us, all while Markus is smirking through his blood in the corner. A couple people tried to tell Mrs. Monroe that Markus started it and that it was Markus's fault, but she technically wasn't allowed to believe us and sent both to the principal.

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