Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Wake up!" Uncle Tom's rough voice woke me up.

A headache began to brew as I tried to sit up on the bed. Images of what happened the previous night began to flood my mind causing me to shiver. I knew I was naked but I didn't have the energy to cover myself.

Uncle Tom went into his closet then came out with sweatpants and a hoodie for me to wear.

"Get up. Get dressed. Then come into the kitchen. I made some pancakes."

I started to do what I was told but my body was so sore and weak.

" I can't move." I said nervously. I didn't want to upset him or him to think I was disobeying him.

Instead of getting upset, he helped me off the bed and to the bathroom. He offered to help me shower but I told him I could do it myself. After my shower he was helping me get dressed when He reached up his hand to my face. I thought he was going to hit me.

" What the hell happened to your face?" he touched where he was talking about and I immediately winced.

" They got angry with me when I didn't react to them." I explained.

" react to them? So they hit you in the face? No, they clawed at your face." He angrily stomped out the bathroom.

I didn't understand why he was so upset about my face. Worse things happened to me last night. In fact he has done worse to me than a simple scratched up, bruised face. Now that I think about it, he has never harmed my face. I used to never be able to go outside but my face would still be bruised free.

I slowly walked to the kitchen.

"Rainy look! Uncle Tom made pancakes" Raiden said excitedly in between stuffing his face.

" I see," I smiled at his excitement. " May I have some pancakes?" I asked Uncle Tom. He was looking in the cabinets for something.

"Yeah, sit down. I'll get it." I was thrown off by him being so nice. Reluctantly, I went to the table and sat next to Raiden.

"You got a booboo on your face." Raiden gasped. He was about to reach out and touch it before Uncle Tom stopped him.

He sat a plate of pancakes in front of me. He also put other stuff on the table before he sat down on the opposite side of me.

He handed me an ice pack and told me the place where it hurt the most. I was embarrassed to put it where it did hurt so I opted to put it under my shirt on my stomach.

I ate my pancakes as Uncle Tom took care of my face.

" I should have beat their ass,"he said. "Your face is too beautiful to be marked up like this."

"What about the rest of my body?" I thought as he caressed my swollen face.

" You look a lot like your mother. You know that?"

I didn't know if I was supposed to reply but a yes sir seemed right.

After cleaning my wound, he put cream on my face and got up.

I appreciate him being weirdly concerned but I rather him be mean and standoffish. Once upon a time, Uncle Tom was nice and loving I suppose. Then things change as the years go on. I've been with him for years and nothing seemed to surprise me when it came to his behavior. One day he treats me like the perfect uncle he used to be, then he would treat me like I was nothing. Sometimes he loved me a bit too much

"If anyone asks a fucking cat scratch up your face. That's what it looks like anyway. Hurry up and eat so we can go" Uncle Tom said as his mood changed again as he scurried off leaving the kitchen a mess.

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