Chapter 10

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Driving down a narrow street, I peered at the numbers on the houses looking for the numbers 636. The numbers on the houses went from 626 to 630 then jumped to 640 causing me to slow down even further in confusion.

" This is what I get for not using my GPS." I scolded myself as I backed into a driveway to turn myself around. I had the toxic straight of thinking I didn't need a GPS even though I don't know where I am going. I like to look at the GPS directions prior to my departure and memorize the directions as if it was some sort of game.

After going through this process a second time and not being able to find the house, I decided to park my car on the curb and get out to walk. I grabbed my purse, Rain's bookbag, and put everything else in my trunk before making sure my car was locked.

Earlier today, after discreetly talking to my students about the impact of bullying and the effects it has on one's emotional being as my lesson for the day, I had a huge urge to check on Rain. I had such an urge that I did what I normally wouldn't and that's take her address from her file so I could visit her. Teachers are not supposed to visit a student without permission and without a principal or vice principal's knowledge or accompaniment. However, this school has shown greatly that they don't care about the student's well being anyway.

After walking for a few minutes, I came across this small trailer style home that was wedged between two apartment buildings. I couldn't help but gawk at the unkept landscaping and rotten boards. A familiar green truck was parked in the driveway with the hood up. I looked around to see if anyone was behind the hood to find no one so I went to knock on the door.

As I knocked on the door, I heard someone shout. I didn't understand what the person behind the door was saying so I stood back to wait for the door to open. When the door did open, I took a step back to prevent myself being chest to chest with the person. The man that stood before me was enormous compared to my small frame. The second thing I noticed was his piercing blue eyes that stood out against his tanned face.

"What do you want?" He asked rudely.

" Um, I think I may have the wrong house. I'm looking for my student Rain King?" I couldn't help but think I was mistaken. His features did not really match Rain's. Rain looked to be hispanic or black. I mentally cursed myself for thinking of skin color, and facial features. I for one should know that family could be of different races, gender, and blended. I am a true example of a mixed raced woman.

" What do you want with her?"The man spoke with irritation laced in his voice.

" I'm sorry. I should have introduced myself. I am her teacher, Katy Wills. It's very nice to finally meet you.."

He rolled his eyes then slightly pushed past me, with a gallon of water in his hands. He walked to the front of his truck and began working on it like I wasn't just standing there.

"Right..." I trailed off as I walked down the porch. " I wanted to give Rain her book bag, and check on her since she left so abruptly. "

He glanced down at the bookbag in my hands, then poured water into the radiator. He didn't say anything as the water disappeared. His quietness made me think of Rain. Rain was always quiet, however his lack of speech was chilling and unsettling.

" Can I see Rain by chance?" I asked, growing impatient.

He gave me a bored look. " Rain!" He shouted towards the house. A minute later, Rain came out. Her eyes grew big once she noticed me but quickly went back to normal as she went to the man.

" Yes sir?"

" Go in the house, fetch me some more water then come back out here and talk to your teacher." He told her as he handed her the now empty bottle.

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