Chapter 12

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Did not proof read. Please excuse mistakes!

I haven't seen or heard from Rain in a few days.

When I dropped her off home, it was Saturday Morning. I spent all day Saturday going over my actions, cringing at the way I handled things. I wish I did more and I wish I did little. I went back and forth like a indecisive wave. I contemplated that maybe my gut was wrong. Maybe I have heard too many horror stories in my line of work. I could be wrong .

On Sunday, I wondered why I cared so much. I wondered what made Rain different than the other students that come and go. I value and care about every single student that walks through my class room door yet there was something different about the greenish hazel eyed girl that tugs at my heart and soul.

Monday came and went with a heavy cloud hovering over that led to a stormy Tuesday. Still no sight of Rain. My unsettled spirit led me to the Principal's office away from my rowdy classroom. Class was in succession with eager students ready to learn but unfortunately their teacher was immensely drained with worry.

" How many times do I have to file a report until something gets done?" I asked completely expelled from the tug of war.

" Mrs. Wills, you know by policy we have to file a report when it comes to these situations."Principal Camden States. " We file a report based off our suspensions than the district sends a social worker here to evaluate the situation."

Principal Camden is probably the fifth principal we've had in the past three years. The dangers of this school and poor test scores have made a lot of Principal's run for the hills. Either they were scared of the students or scared of having a bad rap on their name. Principal Camden seemed to be sticking around though. He seemed to be up for the challenge although in my opinion he hasn't done shit, but demand order. Demanding things doesn't work with these kids. In fact, they laughed at it. In all honesty, these kids needed someone with some balls and a bat like Mr. Clark from Lean on Me. They didn't need someone with a strong bark and no bite.

" Mr. Camden, I have filed every possible report and I haven't gotten an answer. As a school aren't we supposed to immediately seek the wellbeing of our students? Why can't we call the police to do a wellness check, or something?."

" I understand your frustration, Mrs. Wills, I do, but we must go about this smart. Based off the assumptions you told me, there is no clear sign of abuse. If we accuse Ms. King's uncle of any neglect or abuse and it is not true that's our heads. This school is already on the verge of closer, if we can't turn this school around next year."He explained.

Although it made sense, I didn't understand why we couldn't take a risk to possibly save one child then to keep our mouth shut and risk them all. We were damned to hell anyway. This school has been brushed to the side countless times but all I'm asking is for someone to give a damn about one child. I strongly believe that caring for one child at a time will eventually save a multitude.

" you say there's no clear sign of abuse but you never met this man. Thomas is one manipulative fucker. Just briefly talking to him the way I did made my skin crawl..."

I began to reason with Principal Camden but it fell on deaf's ears as he interrupts me. I could tell that my constant arguing and refusal to sit and wait like a good cowardice teacher was getting to him.

" Mind you, you were not authorized to make a home visit nor was it appropriate for you watch Rain and her brother overnight. You've gotten too Close, Mrs. Wills. I'm afraid you have allowed dangerous bond with Rain to cloud your judgement. You are a teacher, not a social worker, or a child therapist." He argued as he stood to his feet.

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