Chapter 15

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I did not Proofread. I'm sorry I just really wanted to get this out.


Stepping into the school doors, warmth surrounded my cold body. No Matter how thick my jacket is the holes in them can't break the cold air. The halls was rather quiet except for a few bystanders that were late to class like I was. Despite my tardiness, I took my time to get to class as I am still sore from a few days ago. 

From outside the door I could hear Katy's joyous voice, asking for everyone to turn in their homework from the night before followed by a sound of groans.

" Oh stop all that noise. I barely give you guys homework to take home." 

I finally walked in and all eyes were on me. It felt like a moment of deja vu of the first day of school. I made my way to my seat next to Chris and tried my best to get comfortable. The stairs from my classmates and Katy were different from before. It was like a look of relief in a way. Maybe even pity. 

" It's good to see you Rain," Katy spoke with a small smile. I responded to her mustering a pathetic smile myself. 

" Now who actually did the homework? Raise your hands." I could tell she was struggling to move on with the day like normal. Grant it we left off on a weird foot and I haven't been to school in 7 days, today being Tuesday. 

Chris tapped me on my shoulder to get my attention.  I looked over at him, avoiding his beautiful eyes. He offered me snacks from his grandfather's store, he too was struggling to get back to normal. 

I accepted a honeybun out of his few choices and told him thank you. 

" I missed you, babygirl." He whispers to me. The cute nickname rolled off his tongue with ease. It genuinely warmed my heart in this cold world. 

" Are you okay?" he asks as he turns my chin towards his face so I would be forced to look at him. 

With him this close, I wonder if he could see the faded bruise on my cheek that I attempted to cover up with old makeup I found in the bathroom. It definitely wasn't my color but anything looks better than my purple face. 

" I'm okay, Chris." I stated as my heartbeat picked up speed. 

" We still best friends, babygirl?" 


Is that who I am to him now? 

I nodded my head, feeling a way being this close to him. 

" Aye Katy, Chris over there kissing on Rain." Someone snickered, causing me to move out of his hold. 

" Man Shut up and mind your business." Chris snapped.  

I sat back in my seat, slightly embarrassed by the attention.


At Lunch, I found myself standing in the lunch line with Chris. He's been adamant about buying me lunch, especially since I ate all of his snacks. Whatever he offered I ate since I had not eaten much in a while. 

" Do you want pizza or a cheeseburger?" he asked. He lightly touched my back as he waited for my answer. 

Shockingly his touch doesn't bother me like most. Although I freaked out the last time I was in his apartment, that was only because I was afraid of what his intentions might be. He was being made out to be the bad guy by my uncle after all. At this point, i didn't care what would happen to me. I feel content when  I am around him and after days of being in the dark I needed this feeling. 

" Pizza and Thank you." I tugged at my sleeves with anxiety as the packed cafeteria seemed to get even more crowded with students.

" Hey, Go ahead find us a seat. I'll bring the food to you." 

I looked around the cafeteria unsure if I should leave his side. 

" You can sit right there." He pointed to a table that wasn't to far from where we stood.  " I can see you from here." 

I went over to the table and sat down.  I couldn't see Chris anymore now that he was further in line, but I didn't dare move from my spot. I looked around the room spotting Katy, who was talking to one of the teachers near the cafeteria exit. 

" You're in my seat" a voice said from behind me. I turned around to see Davion and some of our classmates.

" umm sorry" I said getting up from my seat. 

They laughed. " I'm just fucking witchu. You can sit there." 

Instead of sitting back down, I watched as they took their seats. 

" I said you can sit there, so sit down." He said in a duh tone. 

" You know she stupid. It's going to take her a minute to register what you saying." Iesha teased as she nudged Keisha, laughing. 

Keisha didn't laugh with her instead she rolled her eyes at her sister. " Girl you is not funny." 

I turned on my heels toward the lunch line where I left Chris but Davon grabs unto my worn jacket. " I said you was good." 

I kept moving causing the jacket to rip.  I wasn't wearing long sleeves underneath, exposing my bruised skin. I quickly raised up the torn fabric, shielding myself. By the look on Davion's face, I can tell he saw it.  I didn't know Davion very well so the mix of emotions on his face were foreign to me. The loud lunch room seemed very quiet as my heart felt like it would collapsed any second from anxiety.

" Did you see her arm?" I heard Keisha say. 

Backed away from the table only to bump into something hard. I looked up to see Chris. He seemed upset. " Don't put your hands on her." He grumbled, staring Davon right into his eyes. 

" Nigga, its you that don't need to be touching on her. You a bitch for putting hands on her like that." 

Things seemed to escalate quickly as Davon shoves Chris with me stuck in between them. 

" Stop" I shouted, but it seems to go on deaf ears.

I feel myself being moved out the way as a crowd begins to form. Male teachers try to break up the small scuffle. 

" What is going on here?" Katy shouted. 

" Chris, Is beating on Rain?" 

" What?!" 

"Yeah look at her arm." Davion shouts causing everyone's attention to come to me. 

With everyone else's attention on me and the constant fighting between Chris and Davon, my heart felt like it was going to explode. I didn't know where I was going but my feet moved with haste.

" Rain, Wait!" 

I pushed past police officers that were coming into the school. They must got word of a fight and like every time, when one person fights, they all want to fight. All I know is I needed to get out of here.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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