Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Daddy was kneeling at the end of a long hallway, his arms open wide. "Baby Girl." He called out. I wanted to run to his arms so badly. Something or something was holding me back.... My uncle. His hand rested on the sway of my back, a smile plastered on his face.

My mother then appeared in the distance. She looked sad in a way. She came up to my father, her green eyes glistening. My father's arms dropped to his side. They both began to fade. "Mommy? Daddy?" I yelled finally able to run to them, but they were gone.

"You're my baby girl now" my uncle whispered in my ear creepily.

My eyes shot open to the lowly lit room. A small tear rolled down my face. I was laying on my back with an arm draped over my torso, keeping me in place. The man next to me, who is snoring loudly, would soon be the death of me. I believed that to be true.

"Rain?" Raiden, my brother whispered from the small opening of the door. "Hush!" I warned him. I looked over at Uncle Tom to make sure he was still asleep. I moved his arm from around me and replaced it with a pillow. Then I left the room.

"What's wrong?" I whispered to Raiden ,who was crying. He wrapped his arms around my waist and cried into my stomach. "I'm scared" he croaked, squeezing me tighter.

I walked him over to the pull out couch where we normally slept together unless Uncle Tom wanted something. "Lay down." He did what he was told and I did the same. Immediately wrapped his small hands around me placing his head on my chest. "Stop crying okay. I got you."

I really don't talk much unless I'm spoken to. I always thought, if I just stay quiet and stay out of people's way, I won't get hurt along the way. I learned that quickly living with my uncle. Just say what was necessary or there will be consequences.

It's been that way since my mother and father never came back from their anniversary getaway.


Today is the first day back teaching at Cobwell Junior High. Teaching kids is everything to me. Knowing that I could inspire young adults by teaching them something they might need in the future, brings joy to my heart. Even though I work at a school where the kids are labeled as "future gang members", I know I'm teaching a somebody.

I walked down the graffiti covered hallways towards my class. Once I got there I got situated before the students arrived. Moments later the bell rang and students started to come in.

"You our teacher?" One of the boys asked me, looking at me up and down. "Yes" I answered him mentally rolling my eyes. "You fine" he said.

" Boy sit your narrow behind down" I laughed. I pay students like him no mind. They all are sweethearts at heart. They just need someone to notice.

" Let me sit in the front so I can get a good look at ya." the boy sat down licking his lips. Nonsense like this, I can't help but laugh at.

Ignoring his comment, I began introducing myself to the class. " Good morning class. My name is Katy Wills and I will be your teacher for this year."

A student in the back raised their hand. " Mrs.Wills..."

" Call me Katy." I said cutting her off. I hated being called by my last name. I know I'm a teacher and all, but since I'm the only teacher these students will see for the school year due to lack of staff, I feel as if we should form some type of friendship.

" Cool. I was just letting you know someone is at the door."

I looked at the door and there was a girl with the most beautiful eyes I ever seen. " Come on in sweetie."

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