Chapter 14

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I know this is very short but I had to get it out of my drafts. I'm trying to get in the groove of writing again.


A chill went down my spine as my eyes grew wide at what I had done. The piercing emeralds bore into my hazel green eyes. The knife that was in my hands was bloodied but the womb that it came from didn't pour out blood like I thought it would. The assault left me breathless yet I didn't do any damage.

Uncle Tom's deep laugh takes me out of my trance as realization settles in. He's going to kill me.

" You stabbed me." He laughs as if this is some type of mockery. " What are you trying to do? Hurt me? You can't. You're too weak."

I gripped at the knife in my hands as my other hands folded into a fist. I knew I could never win against him. Even If I wasn't sick and beaten, I still wouldn't be able to bring him down. I could run, but I've ran before and didn't make it far.

" If I'm weak, why do you beat me the way you do?" I whispered. I didn't mean to say it aloud but I can't myself.

"Because you belong to me. I can do what I fucking want to you, Iris."

" But I am not Iris!" I yelled. Suddenly, Tom pushes me down to the ground with the knife still in my hands. He straddles over on top of me, his knees placed on either side of me. He grabs the knife from me, throwing it across the room. His womb on his abdomen was more visible to me now as he pressed against me.

" You're whoever I say you are. And right now you're Iris." He caresses the side of my bruised face. It seemed like he was searching for something or rather someone in my eyes.

He wanted my mother but she wasn't me. I could never be her. This is why he does what he does. My face was his only connection to her. My mother was my father's wife. My father was his brother. I might have been too young to notice, but I often wonder who my mother was to Tom. The things he's done to me, did he do to her?

I feel his hands wrapping around my neck giving it a light squeeze. He lays flat onto me forcing his weight on me. I grasped for air as he squeezed and leaned forward towards my ear. " You are mine, Iris."


" So, you couldn't find a substitute to take over my class?" I asked, as I stifled a laugh. I wanted so badly to rub it in Mr. Camden's face that his attempt to suspend me went nowhere.

I knew how my students operated. They wouldn't listen to anyone if it didn't come from me, the person they respected with highest regard. Plus, Mr. Camden's request for a substitute is almost impossible with the school's reputation. The request for a substitute would have been stacked nicely in a pile of negligence at the district office.

I had every intention of spending my "suspension" wrecking my brain on what to do about Rain, but I also had a job to do.

Mr. Camden didn't say anything, instead he opened my classroom door for me to walk through. As soon as my kids noticed me they instantly quieted down and sat properly in their assigned seats.

" Good Morning, Class!"

" Good Morning, Katy!" They said collectively.

I smirked at Mr.Camden who wore a scowl on his face. " These kids were outraged. They refused to sit and do their work. They gave every teacher that came to work with them a hard time. I don't know how you do it, but If I could I would suspend every last one of them. They obviously wouldn't care if I did."

I allowed Mr. Camden to rant about the kids while we all watched on as if it was an act in a play.

One of my students, Keisha raised her hand, halting Mr. Camden 's tattle telling. " Yes Keisha?"

" We finished our work yesterday and today. " She spoke matter-factly as she held up her work. Other students followed suit.

" That's impossible. All you guys have done is blabber your mouths. "

I stopped Mr. Camden from saying any further and asked the class to pass their work up front. " Thank you for watching my class, Mr. Camden. I'll take it from here."

Mr. Camden finally left my classroom. As soon as the door closed, I was being bombarded with questions on what happened the day before.

" Was it about Rain?" Chris asked, causing my attention to go to him. Everyone seemed to get quiet by his question. He was slouched in his seat with his long legs stretched out underneath the table. His right forearm had plastic tape around it indicating he was sporting a new tattoo.

" Why would it be about your lil girlfriend? Ain't nobody cares about her" Davion teased.

" Nigga, shut up."

" Hey!" I stopped their little fight before it could start." Davion, that wasn't nice and Chris shut your mouth."

I took a breath before continuing. " Mr. Camden and I had a small disagreement, that is all. Now let's catch up on some work. Turn to page 274 in your English textbooks..."

I began teaching, dismissing any other questions. The day went on without a hitch until the last bell rang. Everyone left except for Chris who remained seated as he waited for me to acknowledge him.

I looked at him from my desk, his dark brown eyes meeting mine. " Are you just going to sit there or are you going to tell me what's bothering you?"

" I figured you didn't answer me because everyone was in the room." He said smartly.

" Chris..."

" I think something is going on with her." Chris interrupted. " She won't talk to me anymore. I thought it was something I did, but nah. It has to be because of him. Plus, Her uncle came by the store and bought a bunch of liquor. Raiden was with him but Rain wasn't."

" Rain must have opted to stay home. I remember she wasn't feeling well..."

Chris interrupted me again. " Raiden doesn't go anywhere without Rain unless it's school."

" I'm sure she is fine, Chris." I said to him, trying to give him some hope. I couldn't show my concern to him. Knowing his past, that is like a death wish waiting to happen. I couldn't bear having another child's life ruined either by prison or death.

" You don't sound too convincing, Katy" Chris got up from his seat, pulling his pants up in the process. " But I hope you're right for everyone's sake."

That's when I got up as well. " Promise me you won't go out there and do anything stupid. If there is anything going on, Chris, Rain would need you to be there as her friend." I emphasized the fact that Rain would need him in hopes he wouldn't try to take matters in his own hands. I had to be careful of what I say or do as his teacher.

" I can't promise you that but I hear you."

And with that he left, sending a chill to my heart. 

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