[21]The Girl Next Door <33

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"Are you serious?"

"Grace. I just don't want you to get hurt again! Tyler looks like a player!"

"Bony I don't like Tyler! OK for a brief minute maybe I mean I thought about liking Tyler in that way but... but his not Sam. His not the boy I love! And I do. I do still love

Sam! And just because he doesn't feel the same it doesn't mean my feelings are going to change! I've practically loved Sam my entire life and I get it I do. He doesn't

love me, he loves Brittany and that's something I'm just going to have to get used to but don't please don't make this harder for me by going over and over it again and again!"

"Oh Grace..."

"No! Bony just stop! I'm fine. Ok. I love Sam and he loves Brittany it's just something I'm going to have to get use to! Now I'm going to art see you at lunch!" I said

walking away

Stepping into art I felt the tension in my body evaporate as the soothing smell fresh paint filled my senses.

"Hi Grace" Miss Michaels called smiling as usual. "Your painting's looking amazing!"

"Hey Miss and thank!" I said blushing at her compliment.

Walking over to the rack with all the paintings that were wet but are now dry I saw my two painting and picked them up walking back to my bench.

"They're beautiful Grace!" Jake said staring at my paintings

"Thanks Jakey! Yours is beautiful too!" And I meant it. I wasn't just being polite and returning the compliment. Jakey's painting was just as beautiful as mine if not

more. He had painted a pair of hands that looked old and worn cradling a young child's hands. The picture was simple but beautiful, full of meaning yet completely


"What are you calling yours Grace?"

"I don't know yet...What about you?"

"Well...I think I'm going call it "The hands that I love"

"I like it! I like it a lot it suits the painting because I like that a lot too!"

"Good! And I like yours a lot too but you still need to think of a name?"

"A name for what?" A voice echoed behind us

Turning around I saw the voice belonged to Tyler. He was standing above us with a carefree smile etched across his face.

"Oh erm a name for my painting" I said softly trying to deflect the attention from my work but instead having the opposite affect because Tyler just stared past me at

my paintings with his mouth wide in shock, I guess he hated them!

"I know it really bad but-

"Grace are you serious there amazing your eye for detail is incredible I mean seriously that's a compliment from one art enthusiast to another!"

"Thank Tyler and there not that great but thank!"


"Oh sorry Jake this is Tyler his new and Tyler this is Jake"

"Hey man your paintings pretty good too"

"Thank dude so you like art huh?"

"Like it I love it!"

"Well I'm guessing you've been to Bridgeport Art Gallery then" Jake said shrugging

"No! Dude I just got here what's it like? Do they do gallery shows" Tyler said pulling up a chair sitting next to Jake and they both spent the whole lesson talking about

various art shows they had both been too.

I spent the lesson finishing my paintings adding the last little bits of detail in black paint and when the lunch bell rung my paintings were complete and framed ready

for the competition. I just need to think of a name. I pondered different names as I walked to lunch in between Tyler and Jake.

"Hey Grace you should come with us when we go to Bridgeport Art Gallery!" Jake said

"Yeah it would be fun!"

They both looked so eager I just coudn't deny them! "Yeah I'll come!" I said smiling at their happy expressions.

As we walked into the canteen I could see everyone staring at us well Tyler and looking at him I could see he was nervous. He was scanning the halls and he looked like a little boy lost and I couldn't help but giggle at him. At the sound of my giggles he turned to me and I just shook my head smiling. He reached out to me, taking my hand in his as he turned red.

"Grace...err.. Erm can you sit wit me?" he whisper


"It's my fist day I don't really know anyone would you...err would you mind sitting with me?" He said softly. He looked so sweet and I didn't have it in me to say no. And

truth be told he was saving me from having to sit at a table with Sam.

"Yeah of course I will! I mean I wouldn't let you sit by yourself on you first day" I said smiling as his face lit up at my answer.

"Oh. Are you sure? I mean if you want to sit with your friends, that's ok!"

"Oh don't worry about them and anyway you're a friend too!" I said smiling taking his hand leading him towards a small table.

*****SAM'S POV*****

I never thought I would say this but I actually miss Grace.

We have always been pretty inseparable but now with everything that's going on she can't even bare to be in the same class as me. I mean she skipped pre calc which she never does just so she wouldn't see me. I guess Nate was right and that being away from her was only causing more damage than good. But then if that's true maybe I shouldn't try to stay away from her. I mean she loves me and I love her and I can't bare to be away from her anymore. I need Grace and I'm going to change for her. Because she means everything to me!

Suddenly the day didn't look so dark and I found myself sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for the bell for lunch to go. When it finally went I jumped up, grabbed my bag and ran out of class headed towards the canteen. The canteen was empty as I took my seat eagerly awaiting Grace's entrance. I scanned through the crowds looking for Grace's wavy chocolate brown hair and bright blue eyes and when I found her my heart skipped a beat. She was so beautiful when she smiled and I couldn't help but smile with her. But that was until I saw a dude walk next to her. I realised she was smiling because of him and then he reached out and pulled her towards him and my fists clenched at the thought of someone else touching her. Touching my Grace. He spoke to her and then took her hand and led her to a small table away from everyone else. The sat down so close to each other staring into each other's. God I thought it hurt to see Grace walk away from me but... but to see her with another boy. To see her move on so quick it made my heart ache. I can't believe I thought she loved me! I mean if you love someone you don't just move on like that? Do you? I feel so stupid! Here I am sitting here waiting to declare my love to Grace and she's of flirting with some boy!! How could she do that? How could she do that to me?! I obviously didn't mean anything to her. Staring at her was just making me so mad I wanted to kill someone. In fact no I wanted to kill him!! My fists were clenched so tight I couldn't take anymore. I quickly stood up causing my chair to go flying to the floor and stalked out of the canteen. I saw Grace look up out of the corner of my eye and she looked shocked but then again she would she was probably too busy with that new boy to even remember me!

The Girl Next Door &lt;33Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant