Chapter 2 - Walls Will Crumble

Start from the beginning

They helped me sit down.

"Do we have to go to school today?" Lily asked as I started on her hair first.

"You know the answer to that, Lil." I told her.

"But we want to stay with you and go see dad."

I sighed deeply, "I know, honey, but you've already missed school enough this year. I'm sure your friends miss you."

Paris was next and she asked for a simple braid.

"We don't like going to school anymore, mom. Why can't we be homeschooled and be with you and daddy?" she huffed.

"Because," I tied the ends of her hair together. "When I joined this family I told your dad that you need some normality in your lives. Going to a normal school give you that. And I know it's hard going to school with your dad in the hospital but your education is important. If he was here, would he let you skip school?"

They both shook their heads.

"Exactly. Now let me get dressed and we'll eat breakfast, okay?"

Paris and Lily gave a kiss on each cheek and left.

I went into my closet room, struggling to get some maternity pants on and after pulling on a shirt, I found a pair of comfortable shoes.

Just as I exited the closet, Prince appeared in the room. "Hey, mom."

"Hey, sweetie," I kissed the top of his head. "Did you sleep well?"

He nodded, "Can I stay home today, mom? Please..."

"Honey..." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Please, please, please... I'll give Rose and Jared and AJ a bath tonight, just let me stay home..."

"You already missed enough of school this year, Prince. And I told your sisters that they have to go."

My step son pouted.

"Please, I wanna go see dad. We didn't go an entire week and you can finally take us." he tried to reason.

Last week, Dr. Holden extended my bed rest to a few more days, which meant I couldn't go see Michael. And I had to cancel the court session we had planned for Wednesday.

Ever since his father went into the hospital, Prince has gotten a lot more closer to me. But, there was also a downside to all of this.

Prince fell into some kind of depression. He doesn't talk to anyone at school anymore, he barely wants to leave his room unless it's to go see his dad. I couldn't blame him, though. I felt the same way.

"Fine," I caved in. "You can tell your siblings that they can stay, too. But tomorrow you're all going to school."

He attacked me in a giant hug.

"Thank you!"

I laughed as I hugged him back, "Come on, let's go eat breakfast."


I bit into the scrambled eggs I was given. Rose, Jared, and AJ were gathered around me in their high chairs, stuffing food into their mouths.

"Did you sleep well, bella?" mom asked.

"Kinda," I said. "Baby was active last night. They moved a lot."

My mother frowned, "You should take a nap later then."

"Maybe, if I have time."

"When are we going to see daddy?" Blanket smiled at me.

"Later, I promise." I smiled back.

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