The Prophecy Continues

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Dumbledore sat in his office, peering at them over his half moon spectacles. He didn't seem to be the least bit shocked that they were there and suddenly something clicked in Ella's mind. She bit down on her tongue, it could wait until they were alone. The others seemed in awe of his office, Lily's eyes scanned over the numerous books piled from floor to ceiling.

After he and Peter gawked at Fawkes, Remus looked up. "Sir, some of us performed underage.."

Dumbledore held up a hand. "I can assure you, Mr. Lupin, I have taken many precautions." He leaned forward, eyes twinkling. "I wonder if I should be offended you think so little of me?" Remus looked mortified.

Sirius was bouncing on his toes. "WE DON'T HAVE THE TRACE?"

Dumbledore chuckled. "I couldn't permit you to search for objects like Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes and be unable to use magic." James and Sirius looked like two children who had been told they had been given an amusement park. "Use it wisely."

Lily stepped forward. "Thank you Professor." In a mother's tone, she spoke. "Ella needs to talk to you about some things."

Ella sent her a betrayed glare, but the redhead didn't turn her head. "I'm fine." she stated firmly.

"What's going on El?" Sirius looked guarded.

"Nothing." Ella clenched her hands, trying to ignore the pounding of her heart.

Dumbledore searched her face and for an instant, a shadow passed over his eyes. "Would you five please excuse us for a moment?"

Her friends reluctantly began to leave the room. Ella looked at them. "No, I want them to know whatever you do." She smiled faintly. "It's okay." Ella turned to the bearded Professor. "Can I know whatever else the prophecy says now?"

Dumbledore sighed. "Ella, I kept this from you.."

"I know." Ella dropped to the chair in front of him.

Dumbledore nodded and stood, waving his wand. The Pensive unveiled itself from behind the cabinet and he gestured for them to enter in.

A voice whispered across a misty area, seeming to swirl around each of the wizards and witches. Suddenly, it grew loud and strong. "THERE WILL BE ONE THAT IS TO COME. ONE THAT IS TO UNITE THE WIZARDING WORLD. A PHOENIX WILL RISE FROM THE ASHES AND TIME WILL RIGHT ITSELF ONCE AGAIN. WITH THIS, EVIL WILL BE DESTROYED WITH THE FIRST SNOWFALL." Ella closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable end. Like the Horcrux Voldemort had said, the prophecy continued. "BUT LIKE ALL THINGS, THIS FREEDOM COMES AT A COST. AT DEATH'S DOOR THE CHOSEN ONE WILL REALIZE SACRIFICES MUST BE MADE."

With a thud, Ella opened her eyes on the floor of Dumbledore's Office. A hand extended in front of her and she looked at James gratefully as he helped her up. The boy, however, wouldn't meet her gaze. Instead, he studied Fawkes very intensely. Ella sighed and put her head in her hands. "It's okay," she repeated. Her words hung heavily in the air. "Can I talk to Professor Dumbledore for a minute?" Her shocked friends shuffled their way out the door, pondering over the prophecy's words. Ella turned to the Headmaster. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It wasn't the right time for you to know." Albus peered at her over his spectacles. "I feared it would influence your actions too much."

"You always did this to Harry." Ella began to pace as he looked at her carefully, not knowing who Harry was. She stopped. "You were always a hundred steps in front of everyone else, but you kept your secrets," she emphasized the word. "Didn't you think I had a right to know I have to die?"

Dumbledore stroked Fawkes, fixing her with a stare. "But that is the question. Will you?"

Ella sighed, "Of course, it's sacrifices work. Tom even.." she cut herself off abruptly.

Dumbledore sat in his chair softly. "It is as I feared then. The diary was cursed."

"Yes," Ella admitted, tracing the edge of the desks. "I see Voldemort more and more frequently. But it's all in my head, it's all part of the curse?" She gazed at Dumbledore questionably.

He leaned forward. "It certainly doesn't mean it's not real." Ella frowned. "You see, I believe the instant you fingers made contact with Tom Riddle's diary, a part of the Horcrux latched on to you."

"I'm a horcrux." Ella felt like she might be sick.

"I don't think so." Ella looked up wildly and the Headmaster quickly continued. "I don't think Lord Voldemort had the intent to place his soul in another human. He wanted instead to punish the stealer, and what better way than with himself?" It was Dumbledore's turn to pace. "Upon either the return or destruction of the Horcrux, my theory is Tom's soul would detach itself and disappear." Ella simply stared at the Professor blankly. "Until that time, I urge you to resist contact with the Horcrux."

At this, Ella gave a dry laugh. "I don't exactly have a choice."

Dumbledore fixes her with a stare, his blue eyes piercing. "One always has a choice Elizabeth. We only try to convince ourselves otherwise to avoid the difficulties that come with it."

Ella sat in silence, absorbing the words. Her heart was still pounding and she vaguely wondered if meetings had always been like this for Harry Potter, he was constantly worrying about something. She smiled faintly "How did you become so wise Professor?"

"I was forced to face my difficulties," Albus replied simply. He chuckled. "It seems your friends' sense of humor are making an impact on you." He nodded toward the door. "They seem concerned, go speak with them."

"One more thing Professor," Ella began carefully.

Dumbledore closed his eyes briefly. "Yes, I kept the Beacon spell I placed on you as a child. I'm afraid it is necessary for your safety."

"I just wondered," Ella bit her cheek as she turned.

"And Elizabeth.." Ella paused on her way out. "I find family can offer quite helpful solutions."

(EDITED 7/27/18)

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