Into the Chamber

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Ella sprinted up the main stairway with James at her side. Sounds of battle could already be heard from outside and Ella winced as another shrill cry was heard. Pale students stood ready in the halls. Some looked like they were going to be sick while others were fiercely brandishing their wands. Ella gave a affirming nod and they stared at her blankly. "I forgot they wouldn't recognize me" she thought sadly. James helped her up the last step.

"I can't believe we're going to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. That girl is insane."

Ella smiled and shook her head. "She's just very lonely and attention starved." She turned the corner before starting hesitantly. "So how are you and Lily with everything?" It has been bothering her but preparing for a battle seemed an inappropriate time to ask.

James looked offended. "One I'm glad you're so quick to connect me with "lonely and attention starved."" Ella grinned as they made their way to the bathroom. "And two." James stopped and gazed at her carefully "Evans and I had a talk and mutually decided the whole future thing was absolute rubbish." Ella's eyes widened. "Why can't we make our own choices?" The boy raised a mischievous eyebrow "As much as it revolts me, I notice her and Snivellus have gotten rather chummy."

"So you don't fancy her?" Ella asked carefully as they stopped outside the bathroom.

James raised a hand to his heart. "As much as it pains me, that ship has sailed."

Ella grinned and before she could talk herself out of it threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

It was an entirely different experience, Ella decided as their lips met. To her relief, James didn't pull away and she felt his arms wrap around her, drawing her close. After they broke apart, Ella tried to catch her breath. James looked like Christmas had come early and she beamed. "Is this okay?" She thrust her anxiety down.

James grinned "Brilliant."

Ella slipped her hand in his and stepped into the haunted bathroom. Water was pouring onto the floor from the running sinks and sure enough, Myrtle was sobbing in the corner.

"THEY'RE COMING!" She wailed.

James stepped forward. "Why aren't you helping the others? I'm sure they could use your service."

The ghost looked up with tearful eyes. "Do you really think so?"

"Sure," James encouraged. "You could really make a difference."

Myrtle scrunched her eyes behind her large classes and thought this over. "I suppose I should go. It's rather silly to just sit here, if someone comes I'll be trapped." She gave a little shriek and dove into a toilet.

Ella looked at James in amazement. "You actually got her to cooperate."

James smirked, tugging on a curl. "What can I say? It's the dashing charm. Although," he continued as Ella examined the tap. "I don't see why she's so concerned. It's not like she'll die again."

Ella snorted but felt a sinking feeling at the casualties that lay ahead. James seemed to sense this and got on his knees. "Which sink is it?"

Ella pointed to the one on the right with the small snake inscribed on the faucet. Closing her eyes, she recalled Harry's tone. "Open." She hissed in Parseltongue. The sinks began to scrape apart, revealing a passageway that led underground. James looked at her with a mix of awe and disturbance.

"I don't speak it." Ella defended herself. "Your son taught me." Raising a hand, she beckoned for Fawkes. The scarlet bird soared into the flooded lavatory and landed on her shoulder. Giving James's hand a final squeeze, she jumped and plummeted into darkness.

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