10 dead anyway

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"Right boys have a good breakfast I'm going to go pick up your brother Reg, they called me this morning. You keep your friend here away from him he probably needs some time to readjust they said. We don't want it happening again" Reggie nodded over his cereal.

The cop left and I turned to Reggie "What's with your brother?" I asked. And he paused "He's got issues and dads trying to help him solve them but he finds it tough trying to empathise he can only really relate to people through manly activities that kinda crap, I don't know how he got two sons like us" he shrugged i nodded. "Sounds fair, what happens now?" I asked and he shrugged "i gotta go school" and I sighed "but what about me a fugitive?" I asked and he grinned. "Stay in my room and don't go near the window the neighbours are nosey" he said grabbing an apple "just be careful incase my dad comes back if he forgets something" he said and I nodded he picked up his bag and headed to school and I was left in the house alone. I had seven hours to kill.

I had built all the unfinished lego sets left around by ten and was rolling around on the ground bored by twelve. I hadn't paid much attention to the simple platinum wedding band that clutched onto my finger and didn't have the balls to get rid of it. I drove myself crazy and decided I needed out. I couldn't entrap myself anymore, it was just letting President Mcarals win.

I left the house with my hood pulled up despite my blonde hair. I went to the convenience store and picked up some chocolate and sat on a park bench. The sun beat down on me and despite the risks I had to take my hoodie off it was so hot. I sat watching and feeling the breeze for abouts an hour before I felt the need to move again. I saw a telephone box on the other side of the street next to the cinema which was showing Taken 2. I rolled my eyes at the cheesy movie and headed for the pay phone.

I typed in the numbers Darius Falco had made me memorise. "Hello?" A voice asked down the phone calmly. "You alright? It's Rhett" I said and the phone hung up. I growled and slammed the phone down. Most likely the phone number had been compromised. I had no way of contacting them. I had no way of going home. I was stuck here till they came and got me, if they ever would.

I ended up heading back to Reggie Clarks and walked into Reggie and his dad standing round the table. But it was only two thirty, school isn't out yet. "Where have you been Rhett?" Mr Clark asked as I came in the door. "I told you dad he forgot his pencil case and ended up missing the bus" Reggie said and Mr Clark sighed. "So what happened at school today, I can't say much it's just a shame it's your first day. I need to go up and see Robbie but we'll talk later" he said and went upstairs. I looked at Reg in utter confusion and he pulled my arm into the living room. "We had a thing at school, they put an alert out on you. Something about terrorism and a curfew,  you arent really like kidnapped terrorist threat thingmajig right?" He asked starting to panic. I didnt get a chance to answer him because his dad came back in.

"So boys take a seat." Officer Clark said. We both complied to his obvious authority "So Robbie is up in his room right now and I don't know if Reggie explained the situation to you but he's recovering from rehab. He needs time to recover and that means no stress no temptations of anything he can't handle. So if you do bump into each other be considerate he's anxious and tired. We really need him to get better and not run off and disappear to where ever again ok? Rhett how was school?" He asked changing subjects but not the authoritive tone. "Uh good" I shrugged and he nodded. "I'll be patrolling around due to this new alert so you'll see me and a few other Cops around now so if you have any trouble go to them." He smiled gently. "Right bed, I'll drive you both to school tomorrow since I'm going that way anyway" he said getting up to leave. Reg and I looked at each other anxiously. "What the hell?" I asked him and he gulped "when I said I'd harbour you I didnt mean with the secret service hunting you down" he whispered back and I sighed.

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