5 Kidnapped

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"Fucks sake" I yelled out trying to kick the seat in front of me. The body guards kept me squished down. "Kid chill out, you're not getting out might as well have a bagel. You look a little pale" the guy on my right said holding out a bagel. I shook my head. "Can i have some water" I asked and some was passed back. This time my arms were cuffed behind my back. One of the guys uncapped the bottle and held it over my mouth. "Shit" he said as he poured it all down me. He tried to wipe it down with a cloth "Dude chill it's fine" I sighed resting my head on the arm rest in front of me. "Are we there yet?' I asked over and over. I didnt bother looking up to see just more of the same. "Actually yes" my head shot up and I looked out to see central Washington DC we had pulled up to some gates but I couldn't quite see beyond them "Where the hell are we?" I tried to lean over one of the guys in suits. "You really no idea?" He asked "I thought you said you knew who your dad was?" He said and the car was still. "Well yeah Falco" I said in a duh tone. "What?" He spluttered, "Your dad's the..." as we pulled up to the large white building his voice faded out as I tried to comprehend fully where I was. "Lincoln? Lincoln? Time to get out" he said. The door opened and the guys got out. I was pulled out and placed on my feet. I could barely walk though. I was too stunned looking at the WhiteHouse to understand and register anything else.

"Kid wake up," I looked at the main guy "Hey chill out your dad wants to see you" he said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Who is..." I couldn't finish my sentence.

"I don't freaking care Angelina I'm not going to your stupid dinner party" a girl stormed in shouting. She was dressed head to toe in Channel and stunk of money and liked to spend it.

She stopped when she saw us and seemed to be rendered speechless. "I-uh-" she started. I could feel myself being pulled back "Sofie go back" the main guy said placing two hands up almost as if he was trying to calm a vicious rottweiler not a teenage girl. Another clicked in behind her in heels that looked like they costed as much as the cars. "First lady mam sorry about this-" main guy said again. "Oh Gerald. Is this? Is this the boy?" She asked with slight horror. I understood. I looked a mess after being arrested then the car journey. "It's just I expected a little more... um, presidential?" She tried to say. I scoffed uncomfortably aware of the girl Sofie? Still in the background. Staring at me.

"Gerald maybe if you clean him up and make his appearance more appropriate before dinner. The Kennedys are coming tonight, frightfully awful timing but it just can't be helped" she said trying to smile at me trying to hide the fear.

"I can show him to his room" Sofie chipped in. Angelina, the first lady looked horrified. "Sofie leave the men alone now, they need to talk to your father. Gerald put him up in the guest suite. I uh- hope you enjoy your stay here... Lincoln isn't it" she smiled appropriately. I just looked over to Gerald. "Let's go kid, try not to act so feral around your family" he tried to say humorously. "Wait what my what, look you've got the wrong kid get me the hell out of here" I struggled but they shoved me towards the upper levels to a bedroom. "Take a shower you stink," Gerald said walking out and locking the door behind him. I immediately dropped to my knees and crawled towards the door to see the shadows of four feet under the gap of the door. So even if I did bash the door down they'd still be no escaping. I sighed and strolled over to the window. It was sealed. I also saw an alarm connected to it so again no way out. Even so they had alarms and gates. This was the WhiteHouse for hecks sake. There was no way out. Was this place built to keep people out? Or keep them in?

I settled on taking a shower and came out to find that all my clothes were gone and remained a fresh set. A tux. I groaned. I hated wearing suits. Even when I had to Rachel always helped cause I was completely useless. I decided on wearing the shirt with an open collar to avoid actually complying and doing up a bow tie. Who the hell knows how to tie a bow tie anyway.

There was a knock at the door. "Hey your father wants to see you now" Gerald said. He smiled and I nodded getting off my bed. "Thanks Gerald" I muttered. "Call me Ger" he smiled. "Why the hell am I here?" I asked dreading the answer. "Because you're President Mcarals son." He sighed. "But I'm not. I've never met the man I don't even look like him" I groaned, Ger looked at me like I was an idiot. "When was the last time you saw anything of him. I can tell you now I would of swore you were his clone" he said seriously. I groaned "Bullshit, you're just saying that" he smiled "just you wait" he grinned.

Ger knocked on the door to a room, the doors were painted white with gold detailing. I could feel the importance radiating from the room. The door was opened to reveal the oval office. I was hesitantly pushed in by Ger who closed the doors behind me trapping me in the room with a man with dark neatly groomed hair. He looked up so I could see his brown eyes and perfect glowing skin. He looked too good almost as if he wasn't really sitting there. He had been presented as a deity in his campaign but I could see why now that he was rarely opposed. Despite out similar appearance we couldn't be more different. His eyes sparkled with warmth and charm where as mine had recently seen two men shot, possibly killed by a close friend, seen hunger and pain and fatigue. I could tell in this split instance that we had nothing in common and never would.

"Ah, I hope you've been comfortable" he smiled, I'd heard this voice before during speeches, nothing different to the feigned empathy.

"When can I leave?" I asked, I didnt want to play his games and I wanted him to know that. He grinned charmingly "Please take a seat" he gestured to one of the sofas. I remained standing as he sunk into the luxurious couch. "Please" he gestured again but I ignored him. "Let me go home" I said and he again smiled. "Where is home Link?" I stopped trying to think "Home is not here" I growled "Why can't it be?" He asked confidently. "I already have a home and a family which I want to return to not replace" I growled digging my hands into the sofa arm. "What those criminals? You were arrested for God's sake Link. You think you were living a good life if you were wrapped up in drug transportation? Jesus Christ Lincoln think for God's sake" he growled in frustration. He had snapped. It was him, finally I had drawn him out from his presidential facade. I sat down on the couch and relaxed. "Whatever kind of life I live is up to me, you gave away that right the second you disappeared if you were ever in my life" I said calmly taking the political role now.

He smiled despite his defeat. "Lincoln, I never chose to give you up. Your mother and I were going to start our family. We were high school sweet hearts and it was us against the world. But, I feel so bad, she couldn't handle the pressures from her family we tried to support her but she couldn't take it. Her family was religious and we weren't married. She ran away with you. I couldn't find you and I was just distraught. You were my first child, my son and she kept you from me." He moved closer to me and pulled my hands into his lap. "Please forgive me, I've searched since the day she left for you. When I was official enough in the government I had your finger prints on trace since they'd be almost identical to mine. Please Link forgive me? I need to make this up to you" he begged putting his head down. I couldn't tell if he was being genuine or not, I was too confused. "Where's my mom now?" I asked and he shrugged "she hides from me Link she's ashamed but didn't want to tell me where you were. Honestly losing you felt like losing myself." He said his voice sorrowful. I put an arm round his shoulder. "Are you sure I'm your son" I asked and he looked me in the eyes "there's no question about it"

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