4 Caught

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Training had officially lasted a few months. They had me running laps three times a day. Shooting to perfection as well as driving. Cobra liked to sit in the back when he was learning to jeer me on and get me to speed up especially over the bumps. Hunter was the one who taught me properly though. He spoke very little but when he did it was so soft you could barely hear him, especially over Cobras shrieks of glee from the back. It didn't take long to get good at these things when you were doing them twenty four seven. Soon Cobra and Bear were teaching me how to defuse and make bombs and traps. Cobras favourite was the magnesium flare just because of how loud and debilitating it was. I had set it off too early once and I swear I could hear Cobra laughing away over the loud shrieks and blinding white light.

Soon I was given a gun holster for my waist and a knife belt. The gun was a simple hand gun and the blades were relatively small. The bigger stuff was brought out on missions. I had received alot of scars mainly from the bomb defusiual classes. Cobra didn't believe in practices and a few of them had lit up with me right next to them. I had got a large burn from the magnesium and loads of little cuts on my hands from the smaller fragment triggers.

I sighed as we all sat round a small wooden table with a can each. Bear was trying to dent the concrete with a shovel despite our knowing it wouldn't work if even Cobras bombs only scorched the flooring. The sun was setting and a level of calm had taken over the warehouse bunker thing. No I realised it looked more like an abandoned aircraft carrier. "Right Cub" Wolf said to me "get some sleep, first mission tomorrow" he said walking over to one of the beds I nodded and collapsed onto a lower bunk. I couldn't sleep though. I was too excited, what would it be? Bear had told stories about a few other missions and they sounded wild. I tried to settle my mind as I tried to let sleep overcome me.

"Wake up ya lazy shite" Cobra shook me awake. "We're off" he said. I jumped up almost slamming my head on the top bunk. I pulled on my clothes and belt. "Here" Hunter said, I turned to catch an assault rifle right at the last second. I grinned pulling the strap over my head. Sun hadn't risen yet and the place was dark. We all piled into the car. Hunter took shot gun and Cobra drove. Hunter had binoculars and a map but I was worried about Cobra driving. His driving suggestions always seemed suicidal.

We headed out onto an actual road. I hadn't seen the outside world for ages and it seemed somehow different. As if everything had changed. Cobra was going just above the speed limit, I could feel him wanting to go faster but he didn't want to get pulled over.

"Where we going?" I asked and Bear shrugged, "it's a drop off, should be routine. Pick up a shipment from a deliverer and make sure it gets to Falco's side." Bear said. "But they've called us in" Hunter said quietly. We all knew what that meant. It wasn't going to be routine.

We pulled up outside of a factory on an industrial estate. A man smoking outside the front door didn't look at us as we walked in. There were hundreds of workers packaging bags of crisps who didn't dare look up and risk seeing our faces. "Ah friends, glad to have you, let's proceed" the man said with a slight English accent.

Wolf nodded as the rest of us subtly surveyed the area. The man swiftly turned around after he started walking. "Uh- do I recognise you from somewhere?" He asked pointing at me. I looked at Wolf and he shook his head "No chance" the man looked at me closely but nodded "of course" seemingly satisfied with a mistake.

"Here we are" the man said handing over a simple brick of cocaine. It was passed to Cobra who felt the weight in his hands. It seemed alright and we walked back out of the factory the workers seeming more tense than before. I placed a warning hand on wolf's back and took note.

"Stop right there. Put your hands up." A police officer shouted through a megaphone, Bear raised his gun and shot him in the chest. Wolf took out the other one and we made a run for it. But they weren't the only police. The DEA swarmed us and tackled us down. The only reason they didn't kill us was probably from information. Each of us were stripped of weapons and dragged separate ways. I was shoved into a police van along with Hunter as the others were forced into police cars.

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