The Death Of Rachel

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Here is the new awesome chapter! Hope you guys like it!

After that a long time passed and gods and goddess' began to gradually wither away leaving this world. And soon we weren't many and then we had a meeting to decide what to about this problem of gods dying and how to replenish our supply of them.

"How about we go down in each others worlds and raise some new gods." One of the gods said but then everyone stared at the god and Lucius looked especially angry.

"What are you saying!? We could destroy each other if we did that!" Lucius shouted and the god looked down with a fearful expression. And then Lucius sighed. "We have been here for so long and have not found a solution? How is that even possible?"

And then I raised my hand. "Umm, I may have an idea?" I said and everyone looked at me and then I got nervous and waved my arms. "Sorry. It isn't a good one anyways."

"Don't say that Rachel. Come on, what is your idea?" Lucius said with a very gentle expression. After Clara had done all those things she was sent to soul realm so suffer for eternity. And... I never saw Julian again.

"Okay." I said and took a deep breath before I put on a serious expression. "How about we make a new world that is connected to all our worlds? A world where people are forced to become stronger and eventually become gods?"

I said and everyone's eyes became wide. They looked like they were completely dumbfounded by the suggestion, and yet... amazed. It was like they just realized something obvious and then there were cheers from everyone and everything eventually quieted down.

Lucius coughed and smiled at me. "Perfect. It is completely possible and it seems like everyone agrees to it?" He said as he looked around and there were no objections. And then he nodded and then we began to talk about the way of choosing candidates and how we would design it. And finally we decided to call it... the Labyrinth Of God. The reason as to why we named it that is because we wanted them to find their way through their own life's labyrinth and become a god. If that makes sense.

"Good. Then the meeting is adjourned." Lucius said and everyone of us were about to disappear but... I fell down.

Suddenly I felt my DE flow out of me and the divine being I was gradually was about to disappear. I didn't understand and I closed my eyes while tears were flowing and I was sobbing. I didn't want to disappear. Never. I never wanted to disappear. Although I wanted to die many times but... I NEVER wanted to disappear.

Lucius POV

I saw Rachel floating in the air and the DE flowing out of her as she gradually disappeared. I was scared, afraid and for the most part... sad, angry, depressed. I could never explain that feeling with words. Although I have tried many times I just don't know the words for it. Words cannot describe the feeling of a loved one dying right in front of you. Especially when that someone is someone that is like a daughter to you. I saw her tears flow down her face and saw her empty eyes look at me a last time before closing and her peacefully without a single scream... disappeared. It was terrifying.

"What... just happened?" A newer god said clearly frightened at the situation that he just witnessed.

Then I saw Morpheus take a deep breath and while continuing to stare at the place where she disappeared he said, "She... disappeared."

"What do you mean disappeared!? She, she can't just disappear! RIGHT!?" The young god looked around and all the gods were looking down with expressions filled with terror. The terror of disappearing.

The young god laughed, "Haha. Yeah. This is just a joke right? It's just a prank that you guys set up, right? In a second all of you will say, "Got you!" together with Rachel, right, right?" There was no answer to the young gods plea. There was just... silence.

I opened my mouth with a deep breath. "We... will hold a funeral for her." I said and everyone nodded and went to the graveyard of gods, Ragnarok.

We all, like in the ancient rituals, took some of our most important possessions and put them down into the grave to honor her. There was only silence while the funeral was going on and no one spoke. Everyone was sad and scared about her disappearance. Does that mean we will disappear like that too? Is probably what they are thinking. Oh well, it will all soon be over.

I walked in front of her grave one last time and took a very deep breath before saying, "Goodbye... Rachel."

Is Rachel REALLY dead? Who knows? And thank you for reading the chapter!

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