Alone With God

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I by mistake deleted this story. Sorry. Well, I will be making this story as fast as I can. And I will also be making another story soon. Well, I am just going to go for it. Let inspiration do its work. Well, enough ranting. I hope you guys like this story and chapter.

Everything is dark in here. In this place. In this world. I look around and see my coat hanging where it's supposed to be. I walk over towards it while avoiding all the trash which I had left on the ground to gradually dissipate and attract all kinds of different insects. And then I grabbed it and put it on the very big coat of mine. I then put on my boots which were also very thick and designed to warm the person. I then put my hand on the handle of the door. But I didn't open. I just stood there for a few minutes. I then took a deep breath and opened the door and then I walked outside while remembering to close and lock the door.

I walked down the street while seeing all the bright light around me flashing and continuously shining in this dark and cold night. I sometimes saw other people around me but I just ignored them and they ignored me. And then I stopped and looked towards the convenience store I always go to. I sighed and began walking towards it. I heard the typical 'Welcome!' when I walked inside. Then I began to look around and I found what I needed. It was some bread. I took it and began walking towards the register when...

"Put your hands up!" I heard a shout and looked towards the person who shouted and saw a man with dark hair and brown eyes looking at me and the guy at the register. I also saw a woman with her child besides us. We all raise our arms but the man was still panicking. "Now get down on the ground! But not you!" He said while pointing his gun towards the guy at the register. But then I saw the little girl crying. "Stop that kid from crying!" He yelled towards the woman and she tried to make her daughter stop crying but she was still bawling her eyes out. "Dammit!" He yelled and pointed his gun towards the woman and child and then I instinctively before he pulled the trigger jump in front of them.

And then I could feel my body be pierced by something and then I laid there on the ground while my body gradually began becoming colder and colder and my eyes began closing more and more. But was it my time? Why am I lying on the ground right now? I, why can't I remember? I feel like... ahh, oh yeah. I saved them. Yeah. I jumped in front of them and the police are probably already here. Yeah. Well, I hope this is a dream. Not. At least I saved someone before I died. I hope they really are safe because if they aren't even if I go to hell or heaven I won't be able to accept that. And therefore, please, I have never prayed or begged to anything or anyone in my life, but please, make sure they both and the guy at the register are alright. Please, I am fine with the bad me sacrificing himself for these good people who are supposed to have a long life. But, why now? I... Why? Just, why? Why me? Why did I even sacrifice myself for the both of them? Just why!? Do I deserve to die!? What have I done!? Where am I even going!?

"You shouldn't be shouting little one." I heard a deep and gentle voice which surprised me endlessly.

What was that? Why did I hear a voice just now? Am I going crazy?

"No you aren't."

Eh!? What was that!? Who, what where!?

"Shut up! Little one, you have died."

Thanks for saying the obvious.

"Eh? Usually people are surprised or hope that they are alive when I speak to them. What is wrong with this one?"

HEY! You can't just talk about people that way!

"Of course I can! I am god!" And when he shouted that the black space suddenly became white and an old man with white hair and clothes smiled at me.

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