Lance's Confession

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September 7th
5 pm

Lance's heart is beating rapidly in his chest. To say that's he's afraid would be an understatement. He's terrified. Keith's reaction could be anything really. Maybe he wouldn't think of it as bad or maybe he wouldnt blame Lance at all. But Lance thinks Keith will most likely be angry at him, like everybody always is.

Keith is looking at him with curious, yet worried, eyes. It's as if he's figuring out what's wrong by just looking at the taller male. "I didn't made a typo." Lance begins quietly.

Keith's pulls up one eyebrow. "When? You've got to be more specific, Lance." Keith replies with a way more modulated voice, "We text a lot."

Lance bites his lip. He's struggling, but Keith's alluring expression makes it a lot easier for him to resume talking. "Your username. I didn't get to you by making a typo." Lance makes eye contact with Keith. He noticed he was staring at Keith's forehead, so that is seemed that he was maybe staring at something above the small boy.

Keith's eyes narrow, before they go back to their normal width. The one brow that was still up, slowly comes back down. "What are you saying?" he asks with a taut tone.

Lance swallows thickly. "My best friend his username is YellowFellow, yours is Gayboy™."

Lance sees how Keith rolls his bottom lip between his teeth. He seems confused and at the same time annoyed. His brows have no furrows, but they are slightly lifted. He speaks:"How did you get my username then?" he asks.

This seems like a rational question to Lance, but his answer isn't. Like at all. "Your dad gave it to mine." Lance says as a matter of fact. This is true, but of course Keith is going to want to know more. Lance would've wanted to know more as well. "Our dads work at the same company, you know."

"No, I didn't know, Lance." Keith says harshly and Lance doesn't know if the tone is meant for him or Keith's dad. "How does my dad even know my username? Why did he give it to YOUR dad?" he questions. After every question his voice gets just a tat louder.

Lance shrugs as he let's his eyes trail back up to Keith's forehead. "I don't know how he got your username. I only know that he wanted to get you in contact with someone. For friend or maybe boyfriend purposes." Lance speaks quietly again. All the confidence in his voice is now gone. Not that it was there for long anyway.

Keith sits up a little straighter, I can see his face tighten. "Pardon me?!" he exclaims loudly, "I have a friend and I don't need a freaking boyfriend. Not with his help at least?"

"Your dad just wants to see you happy. I don't know why you aren't happy in his eyes already, but he just wanted to help." Lance says, "I think it's so darn cool that your dad accepts that you're gay."

And he means that. He means that with all of his heart. Everyday, Lance wishes his dad would accept him for who he was and still play catch with him each evening before dinner. But ever since Lance came out, his father has been nothing more then a stranger to him and his mother.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Because I couldn't."

"Why the fuck not?"

Maybe because Lance has problems with this situation too. Because maybe, his dad threw the piece of paper with Keith's number at his head angrily and started yelling at him. His dad was yelling personal and awful things. Swear words, disappointed words and harsh words. Lance heard them all very clearly and he wished he hadn't.

"Because maybe, this wasn't particularly fun for me neither Keith." my tone has become weirdly rough. My voice got louder as I spoke and a growl escaped from the back of my throat.

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