September 6th

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6 am

"I can't believe you burned the bacon." Lance mumbled defeatedly, while trying to find a way to eat the bacon without completely breaking his teeth. "You get distracted way to easily."

Keith was about to take a bite from his toast that was covered by an egg, but immediately drops it down on his plate again. "I'm sorry? You distracted me!" he whines, making Lance smirk. "you asshole. I should've denied you."

"Denied me? Come on Keith," Lance drops his toast as well and turns around in the bar chair to look at the small freckled boy. "you liked kissing me. Admit it." The smirk on his lips is still playing and it's driving Keith insane as it's a very visable display in the corner of his eye.

"You're not even a good kisser." Keith mumbles harshly. This was completely not true. Lance was an amazing kisser; his chapped lips, his hands traveling down his cheeks and lower back, his breathing against Keith's lips. It could've pushed him over the edge in less then a second. But he hated how Lance pulled this full confidence act on him.

To Keith's relieve; the smirk on Lance's face has been wiped off and replaced with a look of betrayal. "I am an amazing kisser! You were so lost in my kisses, liar, liar, liar." he points his finger at Keith accusingly. Keith finally turns his chair towards Lance as well, their knees pressing together.

"I wasn't lost," Keith snorts, trying to pull of this act. He was a very bad liar, but this seemed to work. "but maybe you were the lost one? Apparently to lost to notice that I wasn't enjoying it."

Keith sees Lance's face changing again and much to his dispair a smirk turns up again. "I'm sorry that I was a bad kisser; mister teeth clashing, nose bumping and misplacer."

"Not fair! This was my first real kiss you douchebag. You're the expreienced one!"

"HA! So you admit that I'm good?"

"If that makes you shut up, then hell yes, you are an amazing kisser Lance McClain."

Suddenly Keith was met by a pair of familiar lips on his, making his eyes flutter close immediately. It was one long kiss, but it left both of them breathless. Their lips slowly detach, a string of saliva forcing them to not pull away. Lance licks his lips and Keith could feel his tounge roughly brushing past his lips before Lance could do so. "Fuck you, Lance."

"Gladly." Lance smirks, he obviously loved driving Keith insane. The tounge slipping past Keith's lips and the saliva, Keith knew it was on purpose. Luckily two could play at this game.

Keith slides off his chair and over onto Lance's lap, as their knees were already pressed together this went rather easy. The taller boy's cheeks turn completely red. "Can we get rid of this heat already?" Keith huffs, forming a fake pout with his lips. He sees Lance swallow, he sees the boy's chest rushing up and down as if he's running a marathon. "I'm more of a cuddle guy, myself." Keith smirks as he sees Lance visably relax.

"Holy shit, I thought you meant 'get rid of this heat' as in have sex."

"No shit, Sherlock. That was the whole idea you over sexual teenager."

"Screw you, Kogane."

Keith slides off Lance's lap, "Not yet."

8 am

"So, what are our plans for today?" Lance asks, while slipping his arm around Keith's waist.

Keith slaps Lance hand away, making the tall boy whine. "Don't. Touch. Me." he says sternly. "I was thinking about going into town? I mean you know the town already, but yeah.. It could be fun and stuff, you know?" Keith trails off.

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