"Do not curse at me," She said through gritted teeth. "Jungkook! I would be doing it for your own good..what if you become suicidal?" She asked, her eyes glistening, visible tears threatening to fall.

"Mom...I'm not gonna become suicidal! I have so much to live for!" I stated.


"Mom..." I started crying uncontrollably, "P-P- Please... I cant go to the mental
Hospital..I want to stay with Yoongi and Namjoon—" I sat back down in my seat and cried into my hands.

"Jungkook—" Mom slowly walked over to myself, clearly seeing how fragile I looked.

I lifted my head up, I could feel my eyes were red and puffy, and they burned from crying so much.

"Mom...please..." my voice cracked.

She let out a big sigh and started crying to, she leaned down and engulfed me in a sincere hug.

"Jungkook you know how much I love you...your not insane baby..." She sniffled, "I promise I don't think your insane...it just broke me knowing you did this to yourself and it hurts been more knowing all of it could have been avoided if I noticed sooner you were acting wrong and contacted the school...I'm sorry Jungkook."

"I-I-It's ok..." I stuttered out between sobs.

"Please don't send me away..I'm scared to go mom." I whispered out.

"I won't baby..I'm sorry for scaring you...I won't...your staying right here with me and Jisoo." She cried into my shoulder hugging me tighter.

Eventually she broke the hug and stared at my face, wiping my tears away occasionally. Then the phone rang.

"I need to take this," She choked out. I nodded and stood up, heading towards the staircase.

"Hello?" I heard my mom speak to the phone.

I walked upstairs and into my bedroom, I closed my door quietly and fell onto my bed. I hugged my pillow and quietly sobbed with relief.

Eventually I calmed down and decided to fill Taehyung in on what happened.

Jeon_Cena: well I'm not going to the mental hospital....🙌🏻

Taebeach_95: Great! Wanna talk about what happened?

Jeon_Cena: Nothing much went down. It's just my mom brought the idea up and I started crying and we ended up crying and yelling at each other and then I told her I was scared and she hugged me and said I'm not going anywhere.

Taebeach_95: well I'm glad because I would have been lonely. Also I have something to cheer you up :D

Jeon_Cena: What?

Taebeach_95: happy one month anniversary of us talking to each other! 🎊🎉

Jeon_Cena: Happy one month to you to! 💩🎉

Taebeach_95: I really enjoy talking to you, your really funny :)

Jeon_Cena: Same to you

Taebeach_95: I'm bored. Entertain me.

Jeon_Cena: boi I ain't a pornstar...

Taebeach_95: :c not even one nude?

Taebeach_95: I'm kidding. Any ideas on what we could do?

Jeon_Cena: tell embarrassing stories?

Taebeach_95: sure. You first.

Jeon_Cena: when I was 15 I went on a ride and peed myself bc a bird hit me. Infront of my first girlfriend to. She broke up with me 👌🏼

Taebeach_95: R.I.P.

Taebeach_95: one time I was changing and my mom walked in and I turned around and she saw my dick and went "well that grew A LOT." And walked out.

Jeon_Cena: LOL OMG 😂

Taebeach_95: hey I have an idea on what we could do.

Jeon_Cena: What?

Taebeach_95 is typing....

Taebeach_95: Instagram added that new video chat feature, want to video call?

I froze as I read his text. I was nervous to reply.

Taebeach_95: what do ya say? Yes? No?

I was hesitant to reply out of nervousness but eventually I coached myself and did.

Jeon_Cena: Sure

<Incoming video call>

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