"Oh, Keith can tell you that but I'm just beat-" Shiro yawned and stretched his arms in the air. Keith wasn't convinced and narrowed his eyes at him. "So, I'm going to go now." Before anyone could say other-wise he was gone, booking it out of the door very unlike the tired man he was pretending to be.

"What 'chu need?" Hunk pulled Keith's attention back towards him. Keith bit his lip, trying to decide his next course of action. "Don't think about it so hard." Hunk laughed.

"I'm not!" Keith defended, crossing his arms over his chest defensively. Hunk only laughed harder.

"Lance was right, you are a terrible liar."

Keith's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he pouted his lip out. Everyone on the ship had said that to him at least once and he couldn't figure out how they saw so easily through him. He never had problems getting away with little white lies at the blade but the humans here were relentless.

"Whatever. I'm leaving." Keith turned fully prepared to make his way back to his room if Hunk kept teasing him.

"Wait, I want to know what had Shiro so scared." Hunk's steady steps indicated that he was following Keith.

He took a breath, deciding that he couldn't wait any longer so he might as well bite the bullet and get on with it.

"I asked Shiro about human courting traditions." Keith said as he turned around to face Hunk.

Hunk gave him a blank look for just a moment before letting out a loud 'Oh!' His lips turned up in a smile and then he said, "You mean dating!"

"Yes- dating or whatever you humans call it. I need to know how it works back on earth." Keith tried not to get frustrated so early in the conversation but he was a little bit embarrassed and just wanted to get the information and leave.

"Okay, I'll tell you." Hunk said as he turned back to his food.

"Great I really-"

"But first you have to tell me why you want to know." Hunk grinned evilly and Keith briefly thought that he had been corrupted by Pidge.

Shiro didn't seem to be willing to help him and Pidge was the only other available human on board... It would probably be better for him to just answer Hunk rather than risking any of Pidge's demands.

Keith bit his lip before letting out a puff of air in defeat. "I need to know so that I can..."

"Go on, don't stop now." Hunk egged him on.

"...So that I can... Court a human." Keith chickened out at the last second. Hunk was Lance's best friend. He was sure that as soon as he told him he would go running to Lance and mess everything up.

His life was on the line after all. He had to do this right, he couldn't risk being rejected by his Kalan.

"Ah-ah-ah." Hunk waggled his finger at Keith before he pulled something out of the space oven. "Which human?" He gave him a grin and Keith thought momentarily that he must know because there were only four humans on the ship and it wasn't very hard to narrow down the options.

"Don't make me say it." Keith asked, looking up at him with big eyes as his ears flattened against his head. Hunk's mischievous gaze broke for a moment before it caved and he whined.

"No fair, you can't use puppy dog eyes on me."

Keith pouted his lip out to add to the look.

"No! You're worse than Lance." He complained as he began to put the food he had taken out of the oven in containers for storage. "I'll tell you about dating, just cut that out." Keith nodded and pulled a stool out from under the counter. Hunk passed him some of the full containers and Keith began to stack them on top of each other.

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