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Two colors.
Reddish orange and deep blue-purple.
The sky was dark and light and everything in between.
I knew I was dreaming.
That's why I wasn't sure why I was afraid.

The sky swirled with a combination of unnatural colors.

Nightpaw was alone.

The sky was orange, and red, and blue and purple and indigo.

Wind whipped over her short black fur, but she wasn't cold.

She wasn't certain why.

She stood, still in the dusty-brown everything that was the barren moor.


She knew her words were foolish; there was nobody there, nobody that she could see.

But a voice answered nonetheless.


Nightpaw's head snapped up toward the sky, the apparent source of the voice. "What? Who are you? What do you want?"

"Listen, Nightpaw."

She recognized the voice but could not put a name on it yet.

Then she heard the other sound.


Dawnpaw's scream was full of pure terror.

Nightpaw broke into a sprint across the moor.

"Dawnpaw! Dawnpaw! What's wrong? Where are you?"

"Nightpaw! Help me!"

Nightpaw kept running, but she did not know what she was running to.

"Dawnpaw? Tell me where you are! I need to know where you are!"

Her sister's terrified screams got quieter, but Nightpaw could still hear her.

"Nightpaw, help me!"

"I don't know where you are," Nightpaw choked out, "I don't know—I can't find you, I can't—"

The voice from the sky came back.

"You're right, Nightpaw. You know you are."

Nightpaw slowed her running down to a walk, then she stopped.

"Nightpaw, please!"

Nightpaw gave up.

"I can't help you, Dawnpaw," she said quietly, "I can't help you," she repeated, louder, "there's no way I can save you!"

The voice from the sky laughed ever so quietly.

"It's good you've finally figured that out."

Nightpaw finally recognized the voice of her leader.

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