The beginning of Troubles

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Lea's POV
When we arrived home Master Wu, Garmadon and Misako were waiting for us and by the look on their faces I could tell that they are worried.
"Mom?Dad?" Lloyd asked.
"SON!" They shouted at the same time and hugged Lloyd.
"What are you doing here?" Lloyd asked.
"Master Wu told us to come but he didn't tell us why." Misako answered him.
We all looked at master Wu waiting for him to talk.
"I am gonna tell you why but first, Lea who is that kid you are holding" He asked.
"Oh this is Sam I saved him from the building that was on fire His parents died in the fire so we decided to keep him with us." I answered him.
"Don't he have any relatives?" He asked.
"No he don't, but is it a problem if he lived with us,Master?"
"No it is ok"
"Thank you Master Ou" Sam thanked him.
"No problem young one, You look sleepy why don't you go to sleep?" Wu said.
"I am gonna go put him in Lloyd's old room." I told him
"Can I come with you?" Lloyd asked.
"Yeah sure"
We went to Lloyd's old room and we both put Sam to bed.
We both smiled as Sam fell asleep.
When we went back to the dining room we saw everybody sitting and waiting for us.
"So what is it brother? Why did you call us?" Garmadon asked.
"When I was medeiting I saw something in the spirit smoke, something bad..." he told us.
"What did you see?" I asked.
"I saw the evil ninja return-" he said before Jay cut him off " the evil ninja? they weren't that dangerous we defeted them easely" He said.
"Can you please let me finish?, Now they are very dangerous they can control dark magic they are very strong and they will try to hurt Lea and Sam" he said looking down.
"W-Why would they hurt me? and Sam is just a kid" I told him.
"Nya, can You Show me Sam's family tree?" Lloyd asked.
"Yeah sure let's go to the control room" Nya told him.
We all ran to the control room and Nya searched for Sam's family tree.
"His great-grandfather was the master of wind!" Nya said.
We were all shocked and then I heared shouting from Lloyd's old room,which is now Sam's room.

Why do you think Sam shouted?
Wait until tommorow to know what will happen!

The new member (Ninjago fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon