Saving Him

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'Lloyd's POV'
It is been 4 days since the Evil ninja took Sam, Lea isn't eating a lot she don't speak to anybody and always sleeps with me, Today we will make a plan and Save Sam.
"Ok students we have to Save Sam today before the Evil ninja take him to the under world and turn evil for ever." Master Wu said.
"Ok, Why don't we go to their place and fight them there and Nya will sneek in and get Sam out of there." Jay said.
"I beleive this is the only way that we can get Sam." Zane said.
"Ok,now let's get moving!" Master Wu said.
We nodded and ran to the door,We made our dragons and went to the Evil ninja place.
(With Sam)
Sam's POV
Evil Lloyd chained me to the wall all the time,He have been beating me,too, I am so tired,I hope Lea and Lloyd come and Save me soon.
(With the ninja)
Lea's POV
"Ok so we need to find The evil ninja and fight them so Nya could go and get Sam." Lloyd said.
We nodded and while we were walking to the door somebody came out from the shadows.
"Well Hello, What took you so long?" Evil Lloyd said and the others appeared from behind him.
"ATTACK THEM!!" Evil Lloyd said and each Evil ninja went to his other except for Nya because she didn't have one so she sneeked in the building.
Nya's POV
I sneeked in the building while the others fight, I searched all the rooms except for one.
I opened the door and saw Sam laying on the floor he wasn't Unconscious.
"Sam!" I shouted and ran to him.
"Nya? Is that you?" He said.
"Yes it is me Sam, Let's get you out of here"
He nodded and I picked him up.
Lea's POV
I was fighting evil Lea when she punched me on my right side, the punch was so hard that I started to bleed again,and this time I was bleeding so much.
"LEA!!" I heard Lloyd and Sam shouting at the sametime before passing out.
Sam's POV
I saw Lea passing out so I jumped from Nya's arm and ran to her,I was still so tired but I didn't stop.
"Sam! Don't go there!" Nya shouted to me and ran after me.
I didn't listen to her and kept running,I sat on my knees next to her,I looked at her cut and looked like she had been staped by a knife.
" staped her!YOU ARE A MONSTER!!" I shouted.
"Nya,get him out of here!" Lloyd shouted.
'Lloyd's POV'
I saw Sam running towards me and my other.
"Sam,it is dangerouse out here! Go home with Nya!" I shouted.
'Sam's POV
"YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID FOR LEA!" I shouted then used my power against him.
"You are going to DIE!" I said then a tornado of strong wind started to form around me, and my eyes started to glow,too, I felt my body floating in the air.
"He found his true potential!" Zane shouted.
"YOU HURT HER SO I AM GOING TO HURT YOU TOO!!" I shouted and  shot strong wind that blew all the Evil ninja away.
"Retreat!!" Evil Lloyd shouted,and they all ran in the forest.
I fell on the ground and looked at Lloyd who was standing infront of me.
"What happened?" I asked him.
"I did? Wait where is Lea?!" I asked him looking around.
"Nya took her home so Master Wu can treat her injury,and we should go home now because your body is full with bruises and cuts." Kai told me.
I sighed out of relief and nodded.
Lloyd picked me up and got on his dragon,the others followed us,too.
Lloyd's POV
"Master Wu? Where are is everybody?" I shouted.
"We are in the medical room!" Nya shouted.
We ran to her and saw Lea laying in bed.
"Is she ok master?" I asked him.
"Yes she is ok,don't worry." He said.
"Good,but Sam is injured,too"
"I see, ok put him on that chair." He said.
I nodded and put Sam on it.
"Lloyd,Can you stay with me please? I am scared." He said.
I sat on a chair next to him.
Master Wu checked his injures and went to get something.
"Your cuts aren't deep,you don't need stitches,but I am going to put this liquid to clean them." He said.
"Well it burn?" Sam asked.
"No it will not,don't worry."
"It is ok Sam I will hold your hand while he clean your cuts." I told him.
He smiled and nodded.
"Did you see how cool I was when we were fighting? I totally kicked their butts at the end!" He said happily.
"You helped them with fighting the Evil ninja?" Master Wu asked him.
"Yeah I unlocked my true potential!" He said.
"Very good Jop Sam!"
After that we went to the game room and checked on the others.
"Guys really?, We just came back from a mission and you already started to play videogames?" I said.
"Yeah I want to beat Kai's high score!" Jay said.
"Can I try?" Sam asked them.
"Of course, little hero!" Cole said and handed him the controler.
"Okay you guys play I will go check on Lea." I said.
"I will come with you Lloyd" Nya said.
"Ok let's go"
We went to the medical room and saw Lea sitting on the bed.
"Lea! You woke up, finally!" I said and hugged her.
"How are you feeling now?" Nya asked her.
"I am ok,but where is Sam? Is he alright?" She asked.
"Yeah he is ok, He is playing video games with the other guys." I told her.
"Master can I go now?" She asked.
"Yes you can go."
"Thank you very much master." She said.
We went to the game room,when we opened the door Sam ran to Lea and hugged her.
"Lea!, you're ok!" He said.
"Yes Sam I am ok, but what about you?"
"I am ok, too"
"Lloyd, Thank you for saving my life,but what should we do now the Evil ninja aren't destroyed yet." She said.
"Don't worry you will unlock your true potetial and destroy them,I beleive in you, and don't thank me, thank Sam he is the one who saved your life." I told her.
"How did you save me Sam?"
"I unlocked my true potential!" He said happily.
"You did?! I am so proud of you Sam!!" She said and hugged him tightly.
"Guys let's watch a movie." I said.
"Yeah good Idea." Kai said.
We watched the movie then went to sleep because it was getting so late.

I still have ideas for this story, It doesn't end here.
Thx 4 reading!

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