Life goes on

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Lea's pov
Sam has been in the hospital for 3 weeks now, and he is still in a coma,we visit him everyday,the doctor told us that he is recovering in a good way and that he should be awak in a couple of days.
But one night we got a call from the hospital.
"Hello,is this Mr.Garmadon's number?" The lady asked.
"Yes it is." I said.
"Well,we need you to cometo the hospital for Sam."
"Ok,we are coming as fast as we can."
"Who is calling at 3 AM?" Jay asked.
"It is the hospital,they said that we need to go there,fast." I said.
"But I am tired." Jay said.
"It is ok guys,me and Lea will go,you stay home." Lloyd said.
The guys nodded and went to bed again.
"Me and Misako will go with you."Garmadon said.
"Ok,Thanks mom and dad." Lloyd said.
We went to our rooms and changed our clothes and rushed to the hospital.
(At the hospital)
Lloyd's pov
We entered the hospital and the nurse told us to wait in the waiting room.
"Lloyd,I am scared about him." Lea told me.
"Don't worry, I am sure that he is fine." I said.
"You must be here for Sam,He woke up,you can come with me to see him." The nurse said.
We nodded and followed her to Sam's room.
When we arrived at his room we saw a doctor checking his heart beat with a
"Will he be ok?" Lea asked the doctor.
"Yes he will,and let me tell you that this little boy is a hero,nobody can live after a heart surgury." The doctor said.
"But when can he get out of the hospital?" I asked.
"After 2 days."
"Thank very much doctor." Lea said.
The doctor smiled and he left the room with the nurse.
"LEA!!LLOYD!!" Sam shouted.
Lea ran and hugged him.
"I was so scared about you,Sam." She said.
"Hello little hero!" I said.
"Lloyd!" He shouted.
"Wait,did you destroy the Evil ninja?" He asked.
"Yes,we destroyed them,They will not hurt you anymore." Lea said.
"FINALLY! I can spend more time with you!" He said.
"Yes we will spend a lot of time together,and you will go to school again!" I told him.
"But when will I be able to go home again?"
"The doctor said after 2 days."
"Now,Sam it is so late try to get some sleep,and we will come tommorow,ok?" Lea said.
"Ok, Goodbye!" He said.
"Good bye!" We said at the same time.
We went to the waiting room,
"We can go home now." Lloyd said.
"How is he?" Misako asked.
"He is alright,and he will be able to go home after 2 days."
"Ok good, let's go home now." Garmadon said.
We nodded and went back home.
(After 2 days)
(At the hospital)
Lea's pov
"Hi Sam! How are you feeling today?" The doctor asked him.
"I am feeling great! And I am ready to go home!" Sam said.
"Well let's check your heart first."
The doctor checked his heart and injures and turned to us:
"He fully recovered,but he needs a lot of rest." The doctor said.
"Ok,thank you doctor." I said.
"You're welcome."
He said and left the room.
"Well,let's go home,everybody is waiting for you!" I said.
He smiled and we went home.
Sam went to the living room and watched a movie with the other guys and me and Lloyd sat in the front yard and watched the sunset.
"It is so beautiful." I said.
"Yeah,it is." Lloyd said.
"Hey,Lloyd...thank you for being next to me the whole time,you are a really great person." I told him.
He blushed very hard and said:
"N-No problem Lea."
Then Sam came,
"Can I sit with you?" He asked.
"Of course." I said and he sat between us.
"The road to happiness was long, but worth it." I said.

                     {The end}

I finished the story,But there is still the spin-off.
I hope you enjoyed the story, I am really proud of how it turned out.
Thank you very much for reading!
And Tommorow I am gonna publish the first chapter of my next story ( a kid,again)

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