Chapter 28

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"He is trapped," Fitz said in a satisfied tone draping an arm over Sophie's shoulder. " Yes he is and hopefully for good" Sophie said. " Oh don't worry we will make sure he can't escape," Oralie said in her beautiful voice as all the Councilors walked over. Every Councillor nodded their agreement. "Thank you Ms.Foster for saving us once again," Councillor Bronte said with a smile. Speaking of which, we need to talk to you two about some classified matters. Meet me in my office at 1:00 tomorrow." Councilor Emery said. Then all of the six Councilors held up their pathfinders and glittered away.

"Where is she?" Elwin said from the doorway scanning the room. When finally found Sophie he ran over to where she and Fitz were standing. Once he got there he admittedly began pulling out vials and making Sophie drink colorful elixirs. "Okay that should solve any internal problems now lets deal with those cuts and bruises," Elwin said pulling out multi-colored balms. He began spreading the balms all over Sophie's arms and legs. "That should be it. Try not to hurt yourself as much" Elwin said with his signature goofy grin. "Wait," Fitz said as Elwin started to walk off. "Sophie still has cuts on her back" Fitz continued and turned Sophie around showing her ripped clothes and deep cuts on her back. Almost everyone gasped and some even looked away. "It can't be that bad," Sophie said trying to hide the annoyance in her voice. "You would be surprised," Elwin said handing her a mirror while he held up another. Sophie saw deep slashes all down her back. Some even exposing bone. She almost fell if it wasn't for Fitz who caught her right before she hit the ground. When she was finally on her feet Elwin began spreading stinky balms all over her back. After a couple of minutes, Elwin used a warm cloth to wipe off the stinky gunk. "I could heal all of them but you will be left with one scar," Elwin said then left.  

"Sophie," a couple of people behind Fitz and Sophie said. They turned around to see Biana, Keefe, Dex, Lihn, and Tam. "I am so glad you are alive," Keefe said as he ran to her a hug, closely followed by Biana. "Okay, I do not know what is going on," Dex said. Then Tam said, "Tomorrow at Lunch we are getting an explanation". Sophie, Fitz, Keefe, and Biana nodded and they began to walk back into the crowd when Sophie heard her name being yelled from the doorway. So Sophie walked over to see who it was.   

Before Sophie could have a look she felt strong arms wrap around her. When they finally let go of her Sophie could she Edaline and Grady with tear-stained faces. "Oh Sophie, you do not know how much we have missed you," Edaline said pulling a strand of hair off Sophie's face. "Let us go home kiddo. You probably need some food and sleep" Grady said pulling out his home crystal. "But what about school?" Sophie asked. "Don't worry about the school you need some rest" a mentor said and everyone agreed. So Sophie let out a sigh and they leaped home.

Hi! Sorry I am posting kind of late but I had an eight-hour car drive. I am surprised I am even posting because I didn't even have any pre-written chapters. Also, today had been a very bad day. There was traffic, my cat threw up in the car, I have swimmers ear (ear infection) in both ears (it HURTS), I haven't had my coffee (Ask any of my friends and they will tell you that I NEED my coffee), and the worst part is that I have to do a boring full day camp! But anyway I have posted and I hope you enjoy! 

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