Chapter 24

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Hi. So this is my first point of view for this story. I just want to say that I kind of suck at some aspects of point of view. So if I go back to just narration I am sorry in advance. Also if you feel that my other chapters were from Sophie's point of view than let us just say they were supposed to be like that. (Nervous Smile)

Fitz POV

Keefe, Biana, and I managed to get over the great wall of fire and out of the door. From there we used my pathfinder to leap back to Everglan. Elwin and the Concilers were called. Elwin treated us for are burns. Yeah, we got burned but not nearly as bad as Sophie. Extra protection was put up around Everglan and Havenfield to help prevent this from happening again. But they couldn't prevent what had already happened. If they could have I would have my Sophie. I miss her every day. I keep wondering if I should have saved her off if I should have talked her out of it. Though I feel I should have saved her deep down I know she was right. 

 The day after we escaped everything went back to normal. Well for everyone else. It was hard to pay attention, to not think of her burnt body, to think that I made the right choice. I can already feel the guilt. I know I shouldn't give in this is not what Sophie would want. So I go about my day as normal. The only thing that has seemed to change is the number of girls I have trying to be my girlfriend. I feel like the number has doubled. I ignore it though. There is only one girl I want. I was then snapped out of my thoughts by Keefe yelling " Fitz, earth to Fitz". "Yeah what" I mumble. "How are you doing?' Keefe asked " I have been better" I admit. " Just give it time I know we will never forget Sophie but we did the right thing," Biana says. I nod slowly trying to fight back my tears but I can't take it any longer so I let the waterworks begin. Biana hugs me while Keefe hands me a handkerchief as says " It is going to be all right". 

After a couple minutes, I calm down and finish my homework. When I was finally down with my star maps the bell rings signaling the end of study hall. I quickly walk towards the atrium and put my stuff away. When I was done I rushed towards the leapmaster and leap home. When I get home I am greeted by mom. She pulls me into a comforting hug. " Mommy can we talk," I say sounding like a two-year-old. She nods her head, then wipes away a tear on my cheek. She leads me into the living room and we cuddle up on the couch. I tell her everything. All of my thoughts, regrets, and my feelings for Sophie. It felt good to get it off my chest. after what was probably hours. I get tired and go to bed.

Hi! God this is kind of depressing I felt like tearing up. Anyway sorry if it is kind of weird I am not really got at POV but I still hope you enjoyed!  

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