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Today I am getting married. I don't know if I am even allowed to, but I am. Apollo is the one I want to marry, the one I love. The planning has been extremely hectic. I was still stressing out. 'What if Zeus doesn't show up, have you checked if Dionysus hasn't drunk all the wine?' I asked Ariadne. 'I'm trying to do your lipstick!' Aphrodite said. 'Like that'll last, Apollo will probably kiss her the moment he sees her' Artemis said. 'You look absolutely stunning darling, everything will be fine.' Hera said. I looked at my reflection/ I looked stressed, but my makeup looked good. At least. 'We have invited Eris, right? I don't want to be responsible for...' 'Yes darling, she's here. Now come on, we have to go,' Hera said, cutting me of. I stood up. my wedding dress was pretty, very pretty. Or, in other words, knock-out gorgeous, beautiful, neat, chique and extraordinary. It looked like I was going to a royal wedding. In a way, I was. I took a deep breath.

I was waiting outside of the throne room, where the royal wedding would take place. Behind me were standing Rose and Tamara, as my bridesmaids. I was a tad sad that Achilles and Patroclus couldn't see my wedding, but I am sure they were happy with us (And together in Elysium). I heard the sound of drums. The doors slowly opened, and I stepped onto the stairs. Before the wedding, Hera had given me my memories back, and I remembered standing here as a fourteen year old. Rose and Tamara picked up my train and I slowly started to walk down the stairs. I saw the entire greek pantheon looking at me, ogling at me. How many of these people would have like to marry the great and magnificent Apollo? I wondered. I came to the end of the stairs. A thunderbolt pin - Thé thunderbolt pin - glimmered on my chest chest. I was carrying a bridal bouquet made out of the finest flowers from Demeters flower garden. It had red and white roses, combined with lillies. Lilies are my favorite type of flowers. Hymenaeus, the god of weddings, walked me down the aisle. Zeus had refused to do it. Hymenaeus smiled like crazy. They say that means the wedding will have a great ending. Eventually, we reached the aisle. I looked next to me, at my fiancé. I almost melted. He looked so incredibly handsome. He smiled at me and I beamed back. I grabbed his hand and he grabbed mine. Hera served as priest. She started to give an over complicated speech about her stepchildrens union, but I wasn't really listening. I almost didn't notice it when she asked me the traditional questions. I only came back from my pink cloud when Apollo said yes and looked me deep in the eyes. I heard Hera say: Lady Diana Raya Grace, will you take Apollo as your legally wedded husband? Yes, I said. Immediately. You may kiss the bride, then! Hera announced. Apollo pulled me in and we had the best kiss yet.

Us (us. Wow. That's really something) and our guests walked to the ballroom. It was huge. Like, it seemed like the end of the room was just as far as the Champs elysees is long. It was intimidating. I let out a giggle. as soon as everyone was in the room, the muses turned on the music. Of course, as the happy couple, Apollo and me had to dance the first dance. I was never a very good dancer, but this was great. Apollo lifted me up, and everyone in the room cheered. I felt like I would never get down from my cotton-candy-coloured cloud. When we were done, the entire room clapped (There were so many people, it sounded like thunder. I hope the people of New York didn't all get a heart attack out of fear) and everyone joined us on the dancefloor. Everyone I liked danced the rest of the night, and I never felt so happy. Finally, this story had ended, and a new one would begin. 

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