3 Lessons suck and Apollo can't keep his mouth shut

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After breakfast - I did not spill any food this time, just thought I'd let you know - I started my training. First I had a Greek language lesson. We were taught by herr Linckens, who I had met the day before. Herr Linckens also spoke German, Dutch, English, Italian, Latin and French. Yes, that's a lot. I knew a little bit of Greek, but not a lot, I had to drop the subject because my teacher thought I wouldn't make it. "What do you know about greek mythology?" Herr Linckens asked me. "I only know a few things, about Odysseus and how he went into the maze and the magic cord of Ariadne. I don't care that Athena told Odysseus to leave Ariadne on that Island, he should not have done that, what an asshole," I said. "Okay, that was incorrect. It was Theseus who went into the labyrinth. And no swearing in class, even though you're right," Mr. Linckens said. "I always switch those two up," I mumbled, half to myself. After that I had lava climbing with the Ares Cabin. They climbed up so fast. I was kind of scared I would fall. I didn't, but I did slip one time. My heart skipped a beat. I eventually found a rock I could stand on and got down safe. I think Silena la Rue did something with the wall. I talked with some of the ares kids and they were pretty cool in my opinion. Right now, I have archery with the Apollo kids. They're probably much better than I am at this, but that's okay. They're Apollo kids, it'd be weird if I was better than them. I think I can shoot at least one arrow at the target.

Scratch that, I hope I can at least get on arrow on my actual bow. "There's something wrong with the arrow," I muttered. "You put the arrow the wrong way, Girl," Bella, an Apollo kid, replied. I sighed and put it the other way around. That did work. A silver glow suddenly surrounded me. "What the hell," I mumbled. "Artemis' Blessing!" A camper screamed. Then a young girl appeared out of nowhere. She was younger than me, yet had the knowing look in her eyes of someone eons older than me. "Lady Artemis," The campers whispered and they bowed. I followed. "Rise." I looked at her. "Why, why did you bless me, lady Artemis? It comes out of nowhere, kind of." The question was asked by yours truly. "Come, I want to talk to you, Ray. Right know," was everything she said.

I followed her into the forest "Will you be one of my huntresses?" She asked me. I was shocked. "I- what?" "You don't have to decide now." I nodded. "Follow me, your sister wants to see you." I followed Artemis to her cabin. "Thalia!" Artemis called. A girl came out. Her hair was black and her eyes were an electric blue. A trademark for the children of Zeus, I now know. "Raya!" She screamed and she ran towards me. She started hugging me. I stiffed up a bit, I didn't know what to do. I don't like it when people hug me, and I mean, she did leave me in an elevator, if my dreams were correct. "Hi," I awkwardly said when she let me go. "Why?" Was the first question I asked her. "Why did you leave me in that elevator?" Thalia looked down guilty. So she did do it. "I didn't know how to raise you Raya! That's why I left you in Olympus," She said, with a wobbly voice. "Olympus? If you left me in Olympus, then why can't I remember anything?" "I-I don't know. They told me that they'd care for you, but they didn't, and now I'm emotional, and just... just..." She stopped talking and started silently crying. I felt pity for her. "Its okay, Thalia. I'll leave you alone for a while." I turned around and walked to the strawberry fields. I needed to clear my mind.

"Goddammit Hera," I heard two male voices say. I turned around to see two man talking. One of them had black hair and seeblue eyes. He looked a lot like Charlie Jackson. They other one had blonde hair and my electric blue eyes. He kind of looked like... me, actually. "She did something to Raya. Thalia should've known." I sighed and walked over to them. "Hey, guys, you are clearly talking about me, even though I don't know you guys, nice day, isn't it?" They looked startled, as if they hadn't seen me before. "Oh, hey, Raya," Said blonde guy. " My name is Jason. This other man's name is Percy Jackson. He is my friend. You didn't, er, hear anything, right?" I looked at him. I didn't know why he didn't want me to know anything about what he had been talking about to this Percy-man. "No, of course not," I said with my best naive-little-girl face. He clearly didn't buy it, but he smiled and said: "Yes, yes, you're right. We do have nice weather." An awkward silence followed, but just as I was about to say goodbye and walk away, Apollo ran into the strawberry fields, saw us and screamed: "Hey, Brother, Percy, Sister! He made a u-turn and ran up to us. Percy sighed, but he was smiling. Random as always, he said. I couldn't say anything. "Brother?" I asked. "Brother? What does he mean, brother?" "You don't know?" Apollo was standing right next to us now. "He is a son of Zeus, I am a son of Zeus, you are a daughter of Zeus, that clearly makes us siblings. Also, jason is your blood brother. You have the same mother. Didn't you know that?" Nobody said anything. Jason broke the silence after a few way too long awkward seconds: "No, she didn't know, Apollo. And yes, we have the same mother, Raya." I felt that my cheeks started to glow. "Why didn't anybody tell me sooner?" I said angrily. "You, me, Thalia, are there any other siblings from the same mom and dad nobody told me about? I didn't know any of you before I came here, for goodness sake!" "Well, you have me and my sister Artemis, technically nobody told you that we are a twin." Apollo smiled while saying it. Stupid guy. Jason clearly mirrored my thoughts, because he looked like he could kill Apollo if it wasn't for the fact that he is immortal. "Thanks, lord Apollo, I am sure everyone already knew that! I said. Now, if all of you will excuse me, I am going to find another silent place. I guess the strawberry fields just aren't that quiet after all." I turned around and angrily marched away to the stables, where I climbed into a pen, where I stayed the entire day. I am sure the random pegasus called Bubblegum was better company than anyone else in this camp.

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