"Oh, there you are. Good morning, El." Harry said while kissing me on my cheek. "Listen, I just called the boys and none of them know where Louis is."

"And I texted all of his relatives and convinced them that he's with us. I don't want them to be worried."

"Great. After breakfast, I'm going to the studio and I'll check if he's there."

"I'm going to the hotel, luckily he'll be there. Ugh! I still don't understand why he didn't answer our calls. I mean, it's obvious why he didn't answer mine, but what about yours? Or Zayn's?

"Let him be, El."

After breakfast, Harry and I did as we had planned. I took a taxi and went to the hotel. At the lobby, the sweet receptionist recognized me and, fortunately, gave me Louis' suite key without hesitation. The seconds in the lift seemed endless. When I reached the penthouse, I knocked the door in case Louis was there and wanted to open. That did not happen. I knocked in vain, so I used the key and went in.

I entered his bedroom and the door closed behind me. The lights were off and the curtains were closed, so I couldn't see a thing. It looked like an abandoned apartment. In the dark, I walked straight to the window to open the curtains, but I tripped over something and fell down. As I tried to sit on the floor I heard a groan.

"Louis? Are you okay?"

"Who is it?"

I moved from where I was and searched for his body. I looked for his hand but it was holding something.

"Babe, what are you doing on the floor?" I said touching his cold face.


The smell of alcohol from his breath hit my face.

"Yes, it's me. Why were you drinking?"

"Get off, El." I was pushed aside.

I got up and, somehow, reached the window. I opened the curtains and the room got illuminated. Unfortunately, it was not a pleasant sight. There were empty bottles here and there, Louis' suit and tie were on the floor and his phone was broken under the coffee table. Worst of all was Louis. He was lying on the floor with her unbuttoned shirt and an almost empty bottle in his hand.

"Ugh. Close that thing!" He yelled at me.

"Louis, look at you! What happened here?"

"This is your fault, so don't complain!"

"My fault?!" I was losing patience. "I didn't force you to drink."

For the first time Louis opened his eyes and looked at me. His eyes were red and irritated due to the alcohol and the sun on his face. He tried to get up but ended up sitting on the sofa. I sat next to him trying to avoid the disgusting smell from him.

"Louis, let me help you." I told him arranging his hair.

"Leave me alone Eleanor, I don't need you." He informed me, getting up and moving away from me. I thought about following him but I preferred to wait.

He went to his bedroom and after a minute or so, he came out with some papers in his hand. He was shirtless this time and barefoot. He just stood there checking the papers while I was staring at his perfect body. All his tattoos, which I know by hard, stood out.

"Do you know what this is?"

"No, Louis. Can you just take a shower and eat something first? You can yell at me after."

"These are plane tickets. I bought them three weeks ago. I was planning a trip to France together." A tear escaped his face.

I sighed. When did I ruin everything between us?

"Louis, I'm really sorry. Please, listen to me, we need to talk. I hate this situation." My turn to cry came.

"I don't want to talk to you. I don't even know why you're here."

"Because I spent the entire night being worried about you."

"Well, I'm perfect; but maybe Ian needs to see you. So go and look after him. I don't need you."

Those words broke my heart. It was a nightmare. I found no way to put an end to it, and the worst part was that Louis' anger was not close to disappearing. His words were as hurtful as the sight of him drunk.

"Louis, you don't mean that, don't you?"

"Do you want to see?"

He came and stood in front of me. My arms were praying for a hug, but I knew that that was impossible. Louis held the plane tickets right in front of my eyes and slowly shred them into pieces.

"No trip, no plans, no future together, El. I cannot be with you if you're not completely honest with me."

"Babe, c'mon! Don't do this to me, please! I'm dying inside without you, I do need you." I was crying and feeling a terrible pain in my chest.

"I'm sorry, love, but I don't think I deserve this."

"So this is the end?" My legs and hands were shaking, afraid to hear the answer.

"It depends on you. It's your decision."

I went to sit because I didn't want to faint. Again.

"My decision? It's obvious I want to be with you. I told you, I'm really sorry and it won't happen again."

He looked at me for a second and then told me:

"I think you should solve your problems with that guy... Ian. Then we will solve ours."

"And what am I supposed to do until then? Are we going to be apart?"

He walked straight to the door and opened it for me to go. That was his answer to my question.

"I'm going to miss you El." 


How dramatic I was writing this years ago, sorry! 

NOTE: I'm about to finish my Elounor story, Hospital Beds, so please go read it if you support or simply like Lou and El as much as I do. Also, I've recently posted a new fanfic about Harry Styles. It's called Architect and I'd love it if you could give it a look. Just a warning, it's rated mature but the plot is worth reading, I promise ♥


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