Chapter 3 - Legendary

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Song of the Day:
Agust D 🖤
(I love this song too much 😂)

   Seongmin didn't sleep much.

   Between the unseen eyes outside her window, the rain pounding on her windows and roof, and Chihun crying his eyes out over YLiA, she'd found it hard to fall asleep, especially with the tingling feeling staying there most of the night.

   In the morning, she awoke groggily from the few hours of sleep that had overtaken her to the soft grey light of dawn coming though her bedroom window. She rolled over, snuggling up like a kitten in a basket, not wanting to leave the comforting warmth of her blanket, wrapped around her like soft white fur.

Why on the days when she didn't want to get up was the blanket so comfortable?

Groaning, Seongmin rolled over, before realising it was Saturday.

The office wasn't open on weekends.

Joy raced through her and practically made her heart explode as she realised she didn't have to leave the warmth of her bed, and she burrowed back into her pillow with the full intention of gaining those extra few hours of sleep she'd lost to the tingling in her neck.

But just as she was about to close her eyes, a shrill screech awoke her. Her first thought was that it was her alarm clock, but she then remembered that she'd unplugged it. Meaning that scream that sounded like an exploding chicken could only be...



She got up reluctantly, leaving the bed like a sleep deprived sloth. At a snail's pace, she made her way downstairs, the colder air of the hallway attacking her and making her shiver despite her long sleeves and pyjama pants. When she got to the kitchen, she saw pretty much the weirdest thing she'd ever seen in her life.

Chihun was standing on the counter in his white T-shirt, but his pants he'd been wearing the night before were now absent from the scene, and he was dancing around in bright yellow Pikachu boxers. Wielding a spatula, he was repeatedly hitting the ceiling, screeching like a banshee, and it took Seongmin a second to realise what was causing the fuss.

A tiny spider, no bigger than her pinky fingernail, was desperately crawling in circles, doing a pretty good job of avoiding Chihun and the spatula considering its size. Sighing, Seongmin walked over, grabbed the back of Chihun's shirt, and dragged him off the counter, taking up a plastic cup and a napkin. She caught the terrified little spider, slipping the paper underneath the cup, and let it go onto the bushes outside her kitchen window.

Turning around to look judgementally at Chihun, she raised an eyebrow at him. The awkward arachnophobic man in question was now sitting on the tiled floor, still clutching the spatula, a sheepish look on his face.

"Put some pants on, Chihun," Seongmin said, taking the spatula from him and hanging it back in its place.

A little bit later, her and Chihun, safely with pants on now, walked out to his car, which was parked a little bit down the street.

"Thanks for letting me spend the night, Seongmin," he said, looking at her with his warm chocolate eyes, a smile stretched across his lips. Seongmin, despite her exhaustion and the spider incident, couldn't help but grin back.

"No problem, Chi. Try to avoid more spiders, okay? I think you scare them more than they do you."

He laughed. "Somehow, I highly doubt that, but okay." He ruffled her hair again, hopping into the car and vrooming away. Seongmin smiled as she watched him go, then turned around, running right into someone on the sidewalk.

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