The Sixty-First Memory

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"Ow! Too hot!" You were currently holding a crying baby, and I was trying to make a bottle.

I threw a couple of ice cubes in it and then shook the bottle, not stopping until I didn't hear the ice hitting the plastic sides.

When it had finally melted, I put a drop on my finger, glad that the formula was now at an acceptable temperature.

I scurried into the living room where you were rocking her softly, your hair all over the place. I handed you the bottle, but when you tried to give it to her she just screamed louder. You handed it back to me, and I sighed, setting it on the coffee table. When I bent down, I smelled something gross.

"You didn't check her diaper first?"

"I'm sorry! I'm tired!"

I sighed. "Me, too. Look, you go take a nap, I'll call Em, and she can help me while you sleep, okay? When you wake up, we'll trade."

You debated. "Why should I sleep first?"

I laughed. "Because you've been holding her this whole time. You didn't remember to check a diaper, you need sleep more than I do. Now go, I'll ask Emlyn when I change Laura's diaper."

You nodded and kissed me briefly. "I love you."

"Love you too," I answered, and then you were dragging yourself up the stairs so you could get some sleep.

I followed behind, heading towards the nursery. "It's just you and me for a little bit."

Laura cried harder.

"See, all she needed was a little bit of Emmy," Emlyn said in her baby voice, tapping Laura's nose. Laura giggled.

"She loves you more than she loves me," I whined.

"What can I say? My sister's five year old adore me. I guess I'm just good with them."

"Em! You're supposed to deny it and say she still loves me the most!"

Emlyn glanced up at me with a grin. "Sorry," she shrugged.

She was definitely not sorry.

"Here," she said, handing me my daughter. "Hold her up to where she can see me, I want to know if she likes peek-a-boo."

I sighed and did what she said, knowing very well that Laura loved it. Unless I was the one doing it, then she screamed.





"This better be a phase," I muttered. 

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