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Jimin's morning that Monday consisted of his typical routine, wake up, shower, get dressed, eat something, and sprinting off to school. Or so he thought anyways as he shouts a 'goodbye' to Grandma Park as he makes his way to the door. Everything was normal except for the red camaro parked across the street. "Yoongi" he giggles, "why are you waiting on me?"

"Just thought it'd be a nice change" Yoongi smirks as Jimin opens the passenger door and slides into the seat. He sits his school bag in the floor before leaning forward and digging through the glove-box. "Can you hand me one?" Jimin nods before sitting the candy into Yoongi's palm. Jimin barley had time to buckle his seat belt before the older roars down the one way street. Jimin holds onto the seat as his laughter erupts from the back of the throat. 

"You'll never change" Jimin smiles.

Yoongi shrugs as the autumn morning air fills the car, it leaves chills up Jimin's arm but he doesn't mind. Jimin glances at Yoongi's arm to see if he had the chills also but his eyes wonder downwards to the boys hand that's free and wide open resting on the middle consul. He's seen enough movies to know what the gesture means. He feels his cheeks tint a light pink as discards his candy wrapper and intertwines his hand with Yoongi's. 

The older squeezes his hand and smirks as he rounds the final turn to their school. Jimin knows he's smiling like an idiot as he focuses on the outside of his window instead of their palms pressed together. His eyes flutter shut as the camaro slows down to enter the school parking lot, Jimin feels very tempted to whine about ditching but he has a test in trig that he cant afford to miss. His eyes flicker open as Yoongi backs into his usual parking spot. 

"Oh I got a few more of the lyrics down" Jimin smiles, he had worked on it all weekend during his free time. 

"We should work together sometime so we can finish it and not have to worry until the end of this year" Yoongi nods as he unbuckles his seat belt. Jimin slips his hand out of the older's and fallows as the two both get out. "See you in third period pretty boy".

that shiver again 

 He shakes his head before offering his boyfriend a short wave good bye and turning towards the stairwell that leads him to his homeroom. He's well aware of the rather large smirk spread across his lips as he begins to climb the steps. The hallways are cluttered with underclassmen as his homeroom finally comes into view. He has to weave through the crowd to the door and stumbles in. Its okay though since most students aren't here yet. 

His large smile falters as he spots Taehyung. 


Jimins eyebrows furrow confused as he begins to take small steps towards his desk that sits right next to Taehyung's. "Why?'

"Why wha-"

"Taehyung don't even bother playing stupid" Jimin growls, "we both know what you did". Taehyung cringes at the older's tone and the fact he addressed to him by his real name. "Why did you delete Yoongi from my phone?"

The youngers face is like a game of poker, his expression motionless and empty. But- his eyes pour out the look of utter relief. "You shouldn't be friends with that guy-"

"Dont worry im not" we're boyfriends. Jimin has to fight back a smile at the thought. 



"Tae is that actually why you deleted him" Jimin's face goes to emotionless as he keeps his eyes on the younger, "or was it something else?"

"I already told you the reason" Taehyung growls, "are you really mad about it?"

To be honest Jimin isn't exactly sure. If Taehyung really did delete him just because he was looking out for Jimin its not like he had bad intentions right? He was only trying to help the older by 'looking out for him'. But- what if he's lying and this isn't his reasoning at all. Typically Jimin can tell when the taller is lying but right now he's self doubting the capability to do so. 

"I-I just dont know anymore Taehyung" Jimin mutters, "I don't know if I can believe you anymore". He rubs his arm sheepishly before gathering all his stuff. "I'm gonna sit somewhere else for today to clear my head". 


Jimin didn't even bother taking one step towards the lunch room as the  lunch bell rings. Instead he instantly wonders down the hall and to the stairwell. He carries himself up all the way to the rooftop. He pushes open the heavy door and shoves the rock in between it and the door frame. He turns rather slowly and spots Yoongi leaning against the railing with a cigarette in between his lips. He's already seen the older twice today and smiles as hes gone unnoticed. The door, even though its heavy, is actually quiet unless you allow it to clank itself shut. 

But Jimin doesn't consider it a sneak attack as he wraps his arms around the older, back hugging him. It reminds him of the scene is his bedroom awhile ago, back when he admitted to liking what they have but couldn't bring himself to say he actually liked the older. 

That's something he did just days ago. 

"I think Taehyung lied to me" he mutters into the back of Yoongi's neck, "I just feel bad because- what if he isn't?"

"Lied about what? Deleting me from your phone" Yoongi sighs as he blows out the smoke from his cigarette, it blows in the winds making pretty designs. 

Jimin nods into the older's neck who then drops his cigarette and stomps it out. He turns to face the younger before pulling at Jimin's wrist and tangling the boys arms around his neck. Before Jimin can get the chance, he pulls him closer by the waist and buries his head into the younger neck. He smirks as Jimin lets out a gasp before digging his nails into the older's neck. 

this time the shivering feeling wont go away


this chapter isn't the best, although i wrote it quite awhile ago back during summer. anyways- schools making it difficult to update, but i'm doing it now since i have time. 

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