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"Why don't you go kill yourself?"said the voice in Mariana's head as tears roll down her cheeks. She's a troubled teen in the city of New York. No one to go to and nowhere to go. Mariana's family died during a home attack a year ago. In Bronx gun violence is big issue and it just so happened Mariana's family we're victims. Mariana was in school when all of this happened. When she came home she found her dad laying on the couch with blood circling around him,and her mom dead and tied on the bed. She went in her 9 month old baby sister's room and found her dead. Mariana let out a scream and ran to the phone to call the police.
"911 what's the emergency?"
"My family has been shot!" Mariana cried out.
"Do you know what happened?'
"No I just came home from school and found my mom, dad and little sister dead!"
"How old are you?"
"How old is your sister?"
"9 month old!"
"And you just came home from school?"
"Yes, now can you please send the cops?!"
"Yes help is on they're way."
The memory is still fresh in Mariana's head. She still has nightmares every night and is suicidal. Now Mariana lives all over New York with some clothes, a guitar and an iPhone 6. She walked up the stairs of the train station and brought a ticket to New York City.

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