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"Kayla go get the comb so I could do your hair,"said Kayla's mom.
Kayla got up and went to JoJo's bathroom to get a comb. Kayla and her mom was at her grandmother's cousins house for a visit in Port-au-Prince Haiti, while her dad was at her grandmother's house. Kayla and her mom we're planning to sleepover at JoJo's house, but Kayla's dad decided to stay at her grandmother's house.
As Kayla was walking back, she saw smoke of dust coming from the ground outside the window. "Just a truck" she thought.
Suddenly she felt the ground beneath her feet shaking as she was standing on the door way of the leaving room. Everything seemed to happen so fast. Kayla fell to ground and hit her head on the iron door. A shelf behind her crashed onto the ground. She could've gotten hurt,but she didn't.
"Oh oh! Sak pasé consa"(What happened here,in creole), said JoJo. Kayla's mom walked over to Kayla to pick her up. They walked out of the house to find people all over the village running, crying and praying. Kayla looked around and saw a woman bleeding from head to toe, a little girl with a busted lip and someone dead.
"Jézu,si'l tê plâit,"(Jesus please), an old lady cried.
"Excuse'm pou tōut bagay mal mwen fen", (sorry for all the wrong things I did), someone else cried out to the sky. Tents were being brought out as the night was coming close. Kayla's mom was on the phone with her husband. Again the ground shook, the wall to JoJo's house looked like it was about to fall on the people. Kayla fell asleep to the people screaming.
*Hours later*
Kayla woke up to someone picking her up and people screaming. She looked up and saw it was her dad. She fell back asleep.
*Fast forward 8 years later Kayla is now 15*
Kayla is between the stages of asleep and awake. She felt someone shaking her up.
"Kayla, wake up you have to get to school."

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