Playful much (Glory's POV)

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There was a tugging at my tail, sadly pulling me from the sleep. "What do you want Deathbringer?" I asked the grown dragon who was smirking at me from the end of the bed.
"Oh, I just came up with the most amazing prank/stunt/whatever you want to call it, that we could pull to get back at Gems for pulling that riddle!" He said, his smirk only growing.
"Ok," I started, a smirk growing on my snout, "what do you say that we do?"

Time Skip

Everything was in position, all the notes were left in place, dragons stations to 'accidentally' bump into them, knocking them of course. We just had to wait for them to wake up so that the games could commence. This was going to be so fun.

(Gems' POV)

Waking up, I stretched out like one of those cat things that you can find all over the place. Just as I was about to step out of my hammock, I felt something tied around my talons, meaning that when I went to step out, I fell out instead. This loud THUMP woke up all my siblings, which only means more 'fun' for me, yay! Looking around after being startled awake, they saw me laying in a bundle on the floor, causing them to forget about their surprise wake up call, and laugh at me instead. I had a feeling that someone else was watching me, just as Luke appeared around the corner. That must of been who was watching me. "Oh, hey Luke, could I have a hand getting up and getting off whatever is wrapped around my talons?" I asked him. He nodded, coming over and helping me out.

(Glory's POV) [Camoflaged]

NO NO NO!!! This is not going to plan, she was not meant to have Luke's help so early on. Well, it could still work, but may not be as long or as funny anymore. Just as Luke was taking off the rope, that I luckily managed to get wrapped around Gems' talons without waking her up, he saw the note that was tied to it. YES! I guess that it may still work! "Follow these notes, jumping from place to place, find the ones who you had previously troubled. Your clue is already written on this message." Luke said, reading the message to Gems. "Hum, you already have your clue, I had already read it out to you. What could the clue be?"
"'Jumping from place to place', that could be the clue! Where do you jump? I know the place where hatchlings learn to fly, where they jump about, flapping their wings, trying to get from place to place." Gems said, coming to the correct conclusion far quicker then I would have hoped. As they were leaving, I jumped out of the window, its funny how I am normally shouting at others not to do what I just did, but, oh well, its what needs to be done so that I can get back at the pair of them. I glided above them, as flying and flapping my wings may draw attention to myself, giving myself away, that would ruin all the fun.

They walked across all the criss-cross paths that had been added in more recent, as there was not always enough room for the NightWings to fly about, as they were not used to the jungle just as yet, unlike the RainWings that had lived here for most of their lives. Well, only a few have not spent all there lives here, and now with the academy, that number is dropping. I only see Kink so rarely now, as she likes to spend her whole time at that same academy, I think that she may even become a teacher there, because she spends all her time there, only times that I do see her is when she goes to the Ice Kingdom with Winter, but sometimes that can only be a couple times a year. They did spend a considerable amount of time up there a while ago, SHOOT! I'm getting off track again!

Damn, I've lost track of... No, there they are, they are by the 'Learn to fly' school play place. Really! Who names these places?!! Ah, they've seen the note, it's really lucky that it is so early, so that no other hatchlings have seen the notes. They really did wake up early, the sun has not even risen yet! "Where you first meet your fav food, what cou... Oh, it means where you first had a mango!" Luke stated. Aww, they're taking it in turns figuring out what each mini-riddle means! Wow, I really am changing! I would never be like this before, the only reason that the two of us could come up with this is because of the stunt that Gems had pulled on us, so it's her own fault that she has to deal with this, especially so early in the day. Well, it does mean that they will be done by sun time at least.

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