:A Proscriptive Relationship: 32

Start from the beginning

When I finally made it to the shore, I did a little dance of victory. Somehow I managed to let go of one of my flip-flops. I scowled as it fell down one of the crevices. Getting on my hands and knees, I crawled to the edge of the crevice, looking down. My flip-flop was lying in a puddle of water at the bottom.

Positioning my right hand across the crevice for support, I leant my upper body down, and reached with my left hand. My fingertips just barely brushed the top of my flip-flop. I tried to force myself further down the crevice, but my shoulders were too wide.

Suddenly I heard a wolf-whistled behind me. Casey. I retracted myself out of the hole with a sigh.

"Casey, I dropped my flip-flop and..." I trailed off when I looked up at the person who wolf-whistled.

He was definitely not Casey.

It was hard to make the person out in the rain, but I could definitely tell that it was a man. I slowly stood up, forgetting my flip-flop for the moment.

"Well look who it is," the man commented, taking a step closer. "It's the bitch from yesterday."

As soon as the man took two steps closer, I recognized him as the buzz cut dude I had punched yesterday. Internally, I groaned. It was just my luck to run into him now. Why did this kind of stuff always happen to me?

Better you than Casey, a voice in my head said. I had to agree with that.

"Ryan," the buzz cut dude called, "come look!"

A few moments later, Ryan appeared in my vision. I realized with a shock that he was brown haired guy that was with buzz cute dude yesterday. Ryan raised his eyebrows, a smirk slipping onto his face.

"Good find, Paul," Ryan laughed, patting his friend on the back.

"I need to go back to my class before they get worried," I told the pair through gritted teeth. "Although I'd love to stay and chat."

"Then stay," Paul said with an evil grin. "Let them worry."

"No, it's alright."

I started to walk around the pair, but they stepped in my way. I tried the other way, and they stepped in my way again. I scowled, glaring as best as I could. They returned my looks with amused ones.

"You don't think we're just going to let you off after what you did yesterday, do you?"

I narrowed my eyes. "If I got you both yesterday, what makes you think today will be any different?"

Paul smirked and reached into his pocket. What he pulled out made my blood turn cold.

He had produced a switchblade. I stared at it apprehensively for a moment, and then back at him.

"Those are illegal to carry around," I stated, trying to sound calmer than I really was.

Paul snorted. "It's not like anyone will know I have it. Grab her, Ryan."

Ryan stepped forward, reaching out his arm to grab me. In a slight panic, I slammed my remaining flip-flop into his face. He cried out in surprise, his arm dropping away from me. I let my flip-flop go and spun around, jumping across the crevice, and racing over the rock.

"Get her!" I heard Paul shout.

I slid on the slippery rock surfaces as I tried to climb from rock to rock without falling. Twisting my ankle didn't sound to pleasant to me at the moment. I scrambled past the crevice that led to the sectioned of beach Casey and I found the day before. My mind wandered briefly if that was a good place to hide, but I figured I wouldn't be able to get in without being noticed and followed.

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