An Idiot and His Fake Boyfriend

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They show up at Liam's house tired and hungry. Theo is tense and just wants to sleep for a few hours. He can't though, because they're getting out of the car and then Liam's mother is on them.

"Theo!" Jenna Dunbar exclaims as he gets out of the car.

Theo shoots Liam a desperate look and Liam shrugs back at him.

"Mrs. Dunbar." Theo says in a much less excited tone when it becomes apparent that Liam isn't going to be any help.

"Please call me Jenna, Theo."

She pulls him into a hug. Theo goes, but doesn't really know what to do with his hands so he just kind of, pats her back?

Liam is laughing at him from over his mother's shoulder. Theo scowls back.

"When Liam told me it was you he was dating, honestly I wasn't surprised. That boy talks about you all the time."

"Mom!" Liam yelps, pushing them apart and frowning at his mother.
"I do not."

Jenna smiles at her son. Theo feels weird standing there with a necklace he got this morning around his neck and a mother that's not his smiling at him like he means something to her.

"I'll just. Leave you two to catch up a bit while I take the bags in?"

Theo feels a hand on his and looks down in surprise to find that it's Liam's.

"You don't have to do it by yourself. We'll catch up later." Jenna says, watching Liam.

They're both watching Liam actually. Theo with his eyes locked on Liam's small grin and the hand squeezing his and Jenna watching Liam apparently comfort Theo with just a touch.

She's smiling softly when Theo looks back at her.

"Shall we go inside?" She asks.

Liam nods and pulls Theo behind him into the house and out of the cold.

When they cross the threshold Theo lets out a breath and pulls his hand away from Liam. He excuses it by reaching down to pull off his shoes, but when he meets Liam's eyes they're still a bit hurt.

Theo turns away and smiles at Liam's mom instead.

Jenna looks a bit confused but smiles back readily enough.

"Are you guys hungry?" she asks, striding past them.

Liam calls an affirmative and then walks right up to Theo.
"Are you okay?" he asks, and seems to be actually worried.
Theo nods, but it must not convince Liam because the shorter boy reaches up to wrap a hand around the back of his neck.

"You can't go back now."

Theo feels panic welling up under his skin and pulls away from Liam, composing his face and putting on a sneer.

"I could."

Liam doesn't look hurt, or angry, which is too much for Theo to handle. So he follows Jenna into the kitchen instead of staying and letting Liam be kind to him. It's not something he thinks he can handle. Especially right now.

"Is everything alright?" Jenna asks when she catches sight of him hovering by the door.

He really needs to work on his tells, if Jenna can see right through him. He must frown because Jenna laughs softly.

"You've got the same look Liam does every time he's finished complaining about the last thing you did to annoy him."

Theo moves to lean against the counter.

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