63: Exo seeing you dressed up as a Disney princess

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Tao: However in the world you managed to borrow that sword and helmet? He had no idea. You were really taking this seriously and had cut off all your beautiful long hair to look like Fa Mulan. Damn you were something else. "Babe... you're a girl worth fighting for."

Kai: You were Aurora from Sleeping Beauty but couldn't decide on which dress to wear "Was it blue or pink? Ugh why did they have to use two colours for the dress in the movie... what do you think hubby?" You looked to him for input holding up both dresses "It doesn't matter. When you're sleeping you're beautiful, when you're awake you're still beautiful. A pink or blue dress isn't going to change anything." You scrunched your nose at him "We both know you're the real sleeping beauty here babe, you're always sleeping!"

Sehun: Tangled was your favourite movie and now you were dressed up as Rapunzel and were twirling around the living room singing dramatically at the top of your lungs  "AND AT LAST I SEE THE LIGHT~~~ AND IT'S LIKE THE FOG HAS LIFTED~" He joins in with you dancing around and grabbing your hand to spin you into his arms "And at last I see the light~ And it's like the sky is new...." You sung softly because you two suddenly began to slow dance romantically. "And it's warm and real and bright. And the world has somehow shifted~" Your eyes widened in surprise that he knew the lyrics "You don't think I wouldn't know my wife's favourite movie? Hmm?"

Suho: He nods in approval at the dress you were wearing. "Anyone lose a shoe?" He asks holding up one of your heels. You laughed, shaking your head "Nope. I'm wearing mine" You lifted your gown exposing one smooth ankle and leg. You noticed the wild look in his eyes and gulped "Oh look at the time! This Cinderella's gotta go!"

Chanyeol: He really thought you took dressing up to a whole nother level. "Wow" He gaped, looking you up and down. "Is this really my wife?" You shook your finger at him trying not to smile "No, I'm Jasmine. And now if you'll excuse me-" You brushed past him, pretending to act haughty. He grasps your hand turning you back to face him and started singing with his palm to his chest "I can show you the world, shining shimmering splendid~"

Xiumin: There was no way you were going out dressed like that he thought. Maybe he shouldn't have let you choose Pochahontas. "Don't you think it's too sexy baby?" He asked tentatively. "Really? Aren't we supposed to go in character anyway?" It looked like you weren't going to change your mind so he just takes off his jacket to cover you "Please just wear this at least then" "Aww but then no one will see what I'm wearing!!"

Kris: He hated to say it but you probably put Emma Watson to shame. Yellow was definitely your colour. You had taken his breath away and hadn't given it back when you came down the stairs just like in the movie. "I think Beauty and the Beast is my favourite movie now" He manages to say lamely after he cleared his throat

Baekhyun: He chokes on his drink because you just walked out naked. "I- uh- I thought you were dressing up as a Disney Princess?" You walked over to sit on the couch and crossed your legs and arms over each other "I am! Can you guess which one?" "Er.. the Little Mermaid?" You shake your head smiling and biting your lip. "I'll give you a clue. Rawr!" "He blushed "I have no idea" "Nala baby!!! From the Lion King?" 

Lay: Your hair was all curled and wild about your head and the dark teal dress hugged your curves perfectly. He held his hands up in surrender when you aimed your bow and arrow at him "I am Merida, first born of Clan DunBroch!" He slowly walked closer to you making you drop your weapon and smile slow "And what can I do for Miss Merida?"

Kyungsoo: "I may not be Prince Eric, but can I be a part of your world?" You laugh at him incredulously "Boiya?! What's gotten into you husband?" The truth was that you looked smokin right now and he was gonna do everything he could to woo you that night

Luhan: You made one hella fine Snow White he thought. Aint no evil queen, huntsman or seven dwarves going to get to you while he was on the job tonight. He was dressed up as a prince and kept saying stuff like "Let's test true love's kiss"

Chen: "Oo so icy" He was secretly loving you acting like a cold ice queen. It really didn't matter what you did, he didn't know anyone who could turn him on that fast.  You had gone as Elsa for the party that evening and was looking exquisite with temporary platinum blonde hairspray and a light dress that clung to your body in all the right places


Thank you! And much love to @chanyeols_girl27 for requesting this reaction! I love love love Disney Princesses too. I hope this turned out to your liking. I actually really wanted to dedicate something to you for while now, so this was a wish come true for me <3 <3 <3 

There were so many other Disney princesses and kickass women I couldn't add, like Tiana from Princess and the Frog, Meghara from Hercules, and Giselle/Amy Adams from Enchanted (though technically some of them aren't princesses, sad)

Who's your favourite princess and what's your fave Disney movie? My favourite movie would have to be The Rescuer's Downunder, it's a very obscure one. And then 101 Dalmatians maybe haha

But if we're talking about cartoons-my all time fave is Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron. I know, not Disney but - I mean the soundtrack - *Mindblown*

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