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Once I locked my phone I got up and walked to Marissa's room, she was still sleeping. "Mar wake up" I shook her.

She groaned "what time is it?"

I glanced over at her phone "it's like twelve"

She bolted up "I gotta get ready and leave because James will come, I don't want him hurting any of you"

I sat down on the bed "mar it's okay, he's not gonna hurt anyone"

"Yes he will. You don't know what he's like, he'll do anything to get what he wants. I don't want any of you to get hurt" I was about to speak but Marissa stopped me "you know what? I'll just go with him."

Is she serious right now? "What no! you're not going with him"

Marissa got up off the bed and started to get clothes ready "yes I am"

I sighed "no you're not, you're coming to live with me and Maddie in LA, we leave in a few hours." I didn't want to tell her like this, oh well.

She froze "Are you serious?" I nodded "are you sure?"

"One hundred percent" I smiled.

"But why?.. I mean I want to it's just I don't want to bother you"

I frowned "Are you serious? You never bother me. It's gonna be fucking awesome my best friend and little sister living with me"

Marissa grinned "holy shit! I can't wait"

"Where is your all your stuff? Like I know most of it's here but where is the rest?"

Marissa pulled a face "um, i have a few bits at my apartment in LA"

"Oka-" Marissa cut me off "wait no, I sold it"

"You sold it? When? And how could you forget you sold it" I chucked at the last part.

"Um I don't know actually" she laughed "I sold it like a week ago"

"Get all the stuff you need and then we'll sort the rest out when we get there"

"Okay, I'll come find you when I've packed" Marissa walked into the bathroom.

"Yeah okay, I gotta sort my shit out and then get the plane tickets. Shout if you need anything" I walked out of the room and into mine.

I don't have much here so it shouldn't take long to pack. After I've packed I need to book the tickets, warn dad about James and then go down the road to say goodbye to my memaw and pop.

I need to tell Maddie that she needs to be careful, you know because of James.


Maddie came running in my room "yas?"

I frowned "Maddie don't say that, it's annoying"

"Fine" Maddie smirked "whats up?"

"Are you done packing?"

"Uh kinda"

"Okay, well you can take a break. Go say bye to whoever you want but don't be long"


"Yes, I'm trusting you Maddie okay?" Mom would kill me if she knew I was letting Maddie go out alone.

"Okay, I won't be long" Maddie started walking towards the door.


She turned "yea?"

"Please be careful, if you see Marissa's ex please don't talk to him okay?" Maddie nodded and then ran out the room.



I'm so excited to move in with Demi and Maddie, like you have no idea.

Pack. I need to pack.

I don't have that much here, most of it I got rid off, I need to go shopping.

I shoved all my belongings into bags and then looked for my blades.

I can't find them, I've looked everywhere.

Demi. I bet she took them.

I stormed into Demi's room "Demi! I know you took them!" She looked at me confused. "Give them back!"

"Mar what are you talking about?"

"My blades" I said quietly.

She sighed "Marissa, you don't need them"

"You now that will never work, I won't learn if you just take them away, I need them"

"Marissa, you don't need them" Demi's voice was stern. "You don't need to cut"

What the fuck??

"Marissa I didn't mea-" I cut her off "you know what? Fuck you! Text me when you know the time of our flight, that's if I'm still aloud to come!" I walked out the room.

Why did she say that? Am I overreacting? I don't know why but that made me so angry? What's wrong with me?


Boring chapter sorryyyy

is anyone actually reading this lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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