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I'll ask Maddie about it tomorrow, well not literally ask her but yeah.

I can't believe it.. If Maddie does cut then why hasn't she talked to me about it, I know she trusts me more than any other family member. I'm being stupid of course I know why Maddie hasn't spoken about it, I went through it. I just need to make sure Maddie knows that she's not alone and I'm defiantly not gonna judge her. It makes sense now, Maddie not eating properly, acting weird and sleeping a lot. Depression? I'm not gonna decide or whatever until I speak to her.

I stayed up for an hour or two thinking about everything then I fell asleep.



I woke up and Demi was in the bed with her arm around me, I smiled. Demi moved and then groaned.

"Ugh, I need a pee" she got up walked to the bathroom.

When Demi came out I noticed that my shirt came up onto my ribcage, I quickly pulled it down hoping that Demi didn't see my scars or cuts. I looked up at her then looked straight down at the ground, I could feel Demi's eyes on the top of my head so I laid back and pulled the cover over my head.



When I came out of the bathroom I saw that Maddies shirt was up on her ribcage, she noticed and quickly pulled it down. I saw some of her scars but I already saw some of them last night and I know there's probably more of them... Maddie looked up at me and made eye contact then looked at the ground. After a few seconds she laid back and pulled the cover over her head. I didn't want to talk about this right now so I pretended not to see them for her sake but I'm gonna talk to her later.



Demi walked over to me and pulled the cover off my head.

"Morning beautiful, pancakes?" she grinned.

"Okay" I have her a fake smile hoping she didn't notice it was fake.

"I'll make them and then bring them into you" Demi kissed my head then walked out the room.

Demi came in a few minutes later with the pancakes and put them on my lap.

"Thanks" I just sat there and stared at them, I felt Demi's eyes burning through my head.

I ate half of them and then got up to go to the bathroom.

"Maddie there's a bathroom in here, why are you going to the other one?" Demi raised her eyebrow.

"because I don't want you to hear me pee" I lied.

"hmm, okay. Hurry back I wanna hug" she grinned.

I ran to the toilet on the other side of the house, I yanked the door open and collapsed onto the floor. I leaned over the toilet shoved two fingers down my throat and threw up the pancakes. When I was done I leant back on the wall, I felt my eyes slowly closing.

I shot up when I heard someone clear their throat. It was Demi, fuck. I forgot to lock the door, actually I forgot to close it.

"Maddie.." Demi said sternly.

"Demi don't." I got up and pushed passed her. I walked back into the room and got into bed pulling the covers over my head.

Demi came and got in the bed, I started sobbing and she pulled me close to her "I know baby girl, I'm gonna help you I promise. I love you"

"I..I love you too" I snuggled into her and fell asleep.

I woke up and Demi wasn't beside me so I got out of bed and looked for her. I looked everywhere and no one was home not even Marissa, weird. I walked back into my "room" and sat down on the bed I heard my phone vibrate so I grabbed it and opened the text:

Hey! It's bea, are you okay? I haven't heard from you, I'm worried...

After you got picked up I went home and my mom flipped, she said she's been worried sick which is a load of bullshit and you know that. Anyway I've been staying at home despite having arguments with my mom all the time it's all good I guess. I'm leaving again soon, don't tell anyone but I'll be gone for a few months or so and I know you can't come with me so I was wondering if we could meet up for a few hours today or tomorrow? I wanna say goodbye. I love you x

I replied:

Hey! I'm doing good thanks and I'm sorry I haven't called you.. I don't know I was embarrassed I guess. I'll try to get out today if not tomorrow! Please don't go without saying bye.. Remember it's not a goodbye. I love you too b x

Since no one is home to stop me I guess I could go see Bea now, well after my shower. I got out of my tank top and sweats and jumped in the shower, not literally because that would hurt.

After my really quick shower I shoved a new tank top and some black skinnys on. I dried my hair and then brushed it, I decided not to do anything else with it so I just left it. I quickly put some make up on, shoved my docs on then headed for the door.

I was nearly at the front gate when I heard a voice.

"Madison, where are you going?" it was the lady from next door. Shit I forgot that we were in Texas and the lady next door always checks to see when I go out. Mom made her, thanks for that mom.

"Nowhere getting the mail" I gave her a smile obviously it was fake.

"Okay then" she said as she went inside.

I faked looking in the mail box "oh look no mail" I said loud enough for the lady to hear because I know she's listening for the sound of the gate.

I walked back into the house, I went to the back door to sneak out that way but Marissa stopped me. I thought she wasn't here but obviously I'm wrong.

"Marissa what the fuck, let me go" I tried to escape her grasp. She ignored me and picked up then took me into my temporary room.

Marissa put me down on the bed but I got up and ran for the door, Marissa beat me to it and grabbed me again.

"Your mom told me that you're not aloud out the house. Stay in here and calm down then when you're ready come out and we'll talk or something" she said as she walked out and closed the door behind her.

I give up trying. I got into bed and fell asleep again.



thanks for reading I hope you're enjoying it:)

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