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I couldn't believe I just told Demi. Demi had been holding me all night telling me it's going to be okay. I woke up this morning got out of bed, had a shower then started packing.

Demi woke up and looked at me, she looked confused.

"Look Demi, I'm really sorry. I'm just gonna go" I started throwing my clothes into my bag.

"What no, you can't leave and I'm not letting you." She got up and sat me down on the bed. "Why do you wanna leave?"

"I'm ashamed. I'm selfish for letting you find out, you've got enough going on and I should be looking for Maddie instead of being selfish." Demi looked at me shaking her head.

"Marissa don't be stupid. You're not selfish, I should be looking for Maddie as well but I went on a date for fuck sake" she chucked. "Let's go watch movies and eat ice cream"

"Okay" I smiled as she pulled me towards the cinema room.

Half way through LOL Demi turned to me. "But seriously mar why do you feel ashamed?"

I sighed "well, first off I don't want to bother you and second I've been helping you through the difficult times but I was just being a hypocrite-"

She cut me off, "wait how long have you been cutting"

I looked down playing with my fingers " nearly a year I guess I don't know"

She shot up "Marissa come with me"



"I was just being a hypocrite-" What the fuck, that means she's being doing it for ages. I cut her off "wait how long have you been cutting"

She looked down at her fingers " nearly a year I guess I don't know"

Oh my god. I shot up "Marissa come with me"

I took her upstairs walked into my room then went onto the balcony. I climbed onto the rail then jumped up onto the roof, "come on" I said to Marissa.

She sat down "what are we doing up here?"

"It's where I used to come to think, overthink and I don't know get away from everything." There was silence.

"Mar.. I need you to tell me everything, I know it's hard but please." She nodded.

She told me everything, about James, about living in LA and no one knew, she even told me about the time she nearly died. I glanced at her tears forming in her eyes. "It's okay, it's okay to cry" I hugged her.

God I'm gonna fucking kill James.

We got down off the roof and went to lay down on Marissa's bed.

"You know you can tell me anything mar" I ran my hand up and down her back.

"I know" she replied and then she fell asleep.

It was noon so I thought I would let Marissa sleep for a bit. I got up and pulled the cover over Marissa then I walked out the room to find my mom.

I looked in her room but she wasn't there so I headed down the stairs. I was nearly at the bottom of the stairs when I heard whispering, my mom was on the phone.

"But Dallas, I'm so worried about Maddie" I'm guessing it's my sister then.

I couldn't hear what Dallas was saying but I could hear my mom "Yeah I know, I feel like I can't talk to Demi about it"

What the fuck. Why can't she talk to me? What have I done?

"Dallas Demi can't handle it-" she stopped when she heard me cough.

"Um why can't I handle it. Do you think I'm just gonna relapse? Do you think I'm not strong enough?" I spat.

"No Demi I didn't mean that I-"

"Save it mom, I know what you think about me. But it's my little sister out there, she's my world I don't want anything to happen to her. I'm going to look for her, when mar wakes up tell her to call me" I glared at her then went to the door.



The past few days have basically been the same, getting high, getting drunk and moving from beach to beach.

Everyone has been too high to notice that I haven't been eating but that's a good thing, well for me.

We've been going to different beaches all over LA, we have been showering a the beach showers and just so you know we've been washing our clothes too.

My phone is still blowing up, every minute of everyday. I don't really miss them well to be honest I've been too high to feel anything, if that makes sense. I hope my family have stopped looking for me, I don't even know if I'm gonna go back. I just don't fit in.
Demi the superstar
Dallas the actress
Mom the bombshell
Dad the business man/boss and me?
I'm just a waste of space.

I guess you could say Drew and I are going out? I don't even know, nothing's really happened just flirting and holding hands but I hold hands with everyone so. I looked up from the floor and saw Drew walking over to me with some drinks. "Hey, back from the shop got you this" he gave me a redbull.

"Thanks" I opened it and took a sip.

"You okay Mad?" he looked concerned. I nodded "just thinking"

"What about? Us?" he sat down besides me.

I looked at him "us? I don't even know what "us" is" he looked hurt "look Drew I'm sorry, I'm just confused."

"It's okay, I think we should give "us" a shot" he winked, "oh yea?" I smirked. I climbed onto his lap he brushed my hair away and cupped my cheeks then kissed me. He pulled away then kissed him back letting it linger a bit. After it lingered a bit we both pulled away and I bit my lip.

"We should go see the others" Drew kissed my head then got up. I got up and started walking towards Bea, Riley and Collins who were on the beach. Drew grabbed my hand as we were walking, I smiled.

"Sup guys" Bea said pulling me into a hug, Drew nodded at her.

"I'm so glad we came up with this idea and I'm so glad you came" I whispered into her ear. She pulled back from the hug and whispered "me too"

"Shall we get a fire going?" Collins asked. "Go ahead boys" Bea said making me laugh.

For the rest of the night we stayed at the beach sitting round the fire smoking weed, snorting coke and doing basically any drug we could get hold of.

I looked at my phone and it was pretty late so we all just crashed out on the beach not giving a fuck.


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