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I woke up to my phone vibrating, it was a notification from twitter saying that Demi had mentioned me.

"@ddlovato: Hey @maddiedelagarza I have a surprise for you when I get back😜💕"

I retweeted it and then replied:

"@maddiedelagarza: oh yea? hurry back then😏💕"

I tweeted again:

"@maddiedelagarza: missing @dallaslovato and @Rob_Living6 hope you guys are having fun in South Africa! See you soon love you!💕"

I started to get loads of notifications, most of them were hate but some were nice, I started to read them. I know Demi always says not to read the hate but I can't help it.

(a/n: I made these users up so I don't know if they're real on twitter)

"@lolololololol: Hahaha she's probably got scales for Maddie"

"@fuckumaddie: @ddlovato @maddiedelagarza don't waste you're money on that fat pig"

"@yassdemiyasss: @maddiedelagarza @ddlovato lol maddie she even doesn't care about you so shut up"

"@iloveyoujobros: @maddiedelagarza the surprise is probably a blade so make sure you use it"

"@acbdefuck: @maddiedelagarza you're fat as fuckkk"

"@fxckyxu: @maddiedelagarza: you're worthless! just die already!"

There's so much more.. Pretty much all of the hate was coming from lovatics.. I started crying and ran into the bathroom locking the door behind me.

I looked at my phone again they're trending:




Wow they're even trending:



I looked under the sink for my hidden blade, when I found it I grabbed it and took it straight to my skin.

My phone vibrated so I stopped to look, it was a twitter notification.

Demi tweeted:

"@ddlovato: How dare you say shit about my sister, she's perfect. Disappointed in you guys.. Sorry to all the nice fans."

She must of seen the hate...

I locked my phone then carried on dragging the blade across my skin. I haven't cut since the hospital so it felt good.

They're right though I'm worthless.

Cut. Cut.

They're right though I'm fat.

Cut. Cut. Cut.

They're right though I should die.

Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut.

I froze when I heard a knock at the door.

"Maddie? Unlock the door." It was Marissa I guess she read the hate too.

I didn't reply.

I heard whispering from outside the door then the door unlocked and Demi burst in.



I saw all the hate Maddie was getting and the fucking trends.. What the fuck.

That's when I realised Maddie's at home and I don't know if Marissa's back from her run yet.

I drive home as quickly as I could. I jumped out my car and ran through the front door, Marissa was on the sofa with tears in her eyes.

"H..Have you seen the hate Maddie's getting.." she said quietly.

I nodded, "M..Marissa where's M..Maddie?"

"In the room wh- shit" she said as she got up, we both ran into Maddies "room" as quickly as we could.

I heard sobbing come from the bathroom. I nudged Marissa, she knocked on the door "Maddie? Unlock the door"

No reply..

I quickly found the spare key, I whispered to Marissa "ready? one two three" I unlocked the door and found my baby sister on the floor with blood all up her arm.

"MADDIE" I screamed. "Mar help me get her to the bed"

We picked Maddie up and put her down on the bed. Marissa closed the door just incase my family came back, I grabbed a cloth to wipe up the blood.

"This might hurt a little" I put some water on her wrist and wiped up the blood. Maddie hissed, "sorry baby" I said as Marissa bandaged Maddie's wrist up.

I was on one side of Maddie and Marissa was on the other, I just started at the ceiling.

"Why did you do it Maddie? By the way I know it's not your first time" Marissa gave me a look, I mouthed 'talk about it later' she nodded.

"T..The hate I..I couldn't take it.. I'm sorry Demi" she started crying again.

I pulled her into a hug "Shh, calm down. You'll get through this, I'll help you and so will Marissa right mar?" I glanced at Marissa.

"Right. We love you Maddie, never forget that." I smiled at her.

"I love you too. Demi? I know this isn't the best time to ask but what was my surprise?" I chucked.

"Well you're moving in with me, is that okay?" I grinned.

She shot up "What? In LA? Really? Why?"

"Yep, I want you to and I'm gonna help you get better" she gave a toothy smile.

"Does mom know? I know it's the holidays but what about school?" she asked.

"Yeah mom knows. I had to get all your medical stuff and everything else sorted, mom helped. About school.. Were you getting bullied before? Please don't lie."

"Um.. Y..Yeah." she looked embarrassed.

"Right okay we'll talk about it later, you have to tell me everything. But anyway you'll get homeschooled okay?"

"Okay.. I love you Demi"

"I love you too, now get some sleep I'll talk more in the morning." Marissa got up and walked out the door I followed.

"Night baby girl" I said as I turned off the light and closed the door.

"Hey dem, I'm gonna go to bed I'm exhausted" Marissa said.

"Me too. Uhh Marissa? Do you think I should tell my mom about what happened today?" I asked.

"Talk about it with Maddie first" she answered.

"Okay, night mar I love you"

"Night I love you too"

I gave her a hug then walked into my room and collapsed onto the bed, I was out like a light.

My little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now