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Yeah, okay so I waited so long I forgot what I was even going to do in this chapter 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Dammit. 

You probably don't want to read these weird authors notes, but yet they continue. I told myself I would get this done for Percy's birthday (seriously like more than a week ago now for me over here in Australia) but I ended up doing nothing because I got a cold and felt really sick and my head hurt plus my throat and nose were just being annoying so I decided to be a lazy twat and watch YouTube LITERALLY ALL DAY. Then school came and... Wow, good job yeah I'm still sick so this is probably going to be crap but whatever cause I made you wait like ten years (sorry) and this french cultural assignment was due plus my science write up so RIP

Lol congratulations if you read any of that/if you're still here. Enjoy...whatever this is.

Percy's POV

Geez. As I left the house, I briefly wondered if Nico knew all of this was going on. It's not like I could tell him, and anyway, it was probably best he didn't know. Most likely he would kill at least one of them for even thingking of dating his sister. He seemed like the overprotective type...

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I was here to get away from all that, after all. Walking along, looking at all the brightly coloured market stalls, smelling the freshly cooked seafood, and hearing the bustle of the busy strip of stalls made me relax. I felt...sort of at home here. Even though Nico was just as amazingly hot as I imagined (stop Percy you need to stop) and really fun to spend time with, technically I was still trapped. Which kinds sucked.

Just when I was getting comfortable, I heard a very out of place voice, and froze. Slowly turning around, I prayed for it not to be him. This was turning out to be the worst escape ever. Please, please god if you ever loved me at all, please let it not be him, just someone who sounds like him.

Well. God hates me and I'm going to hell. 

Arguing with some woman who was probably trying to scam him, was none other than the prince himself. He was wearing some sort of disguise that covered most of his face, but I could see his dark brown eyes, and something about the way he carried himself was too regal, he just looked like a fish out of water. That was probably why everyone was trying to sell him something. He

My first instinct was to run far far away, but suddenly I was slinking after him, watching what he did with wide, curious eyes. Wow, creepy stalker much, Percy? It was weird to see him wandering around where I'd grown up, his 'old, shabby' clothes much too clean to blend in.

The further he traveled, the more I noticed more shady, thieving looking people following him. Yes I am a thief, but not a shady looking one. Making a split second decision, I (stupidly) rushed in, grabbed him, and pulled him into one of the many alleyways. Quickly covering his mouth to stop his screams, I pulled him along behind me until I was sure we had lost them.

When we stopped he finally got a good look at me, and his eyes widened in shock. I uncovered his mouth and waited impatiently, nervously tapping my foot as he spluttered and stared at me, completely confused. 


"Uhh, yeah, it's me, Percy. Surprise?" 

"Why are you here? How'd you get out of the tank?"

"Well, I mean, here?"

I scratched the back of my head nervously, waiting for what he would say. I didn't expect for my face to be slapped to the side, and I stared at him in shock, touching the place he hit me.

"Liar," He hissed

Dammit he hates me now, Percy, you're so dumb.

"Why Percy? Was it fun tricking me? Pretending you were some random creature from the ocean, trying to weasel your way into the kings inner circle. Was it all a game? Was it funny, did you laugh at how easily I fell for it?" He questioned angrily

Immediately I got defensive.

"Hey! I just tried to save you from those weird guys," I argued weakly.

He snorted "I don't need some street rat to defend me. I can handle myself fine, thank you very much."

"And I don't need some stuck up spoilt brat to tell me I'm a liar. I never said I came from the ocean. You just assumed and I didn't correct you." I shot back, internally face palming. I was just digging myself into a hole. Why did I do this to myself?

"And you think that's any better?" He asked, incredulous.

I remained silent, unsure of what to say for once.

"Well. I guess you're delusional as well,"

"You don't know anything about me, about my life," I answered

"No, apparently I have no idea. And I don't care to anymore, either. Goodbye Percy,"

Oh geez oh god no what have I done.

"Wait! Nico!"


"I can show you around..."

"Why? It's not going to change anything."

"Well you could use some guidance?"

"Forget it, Percy."

"I...I could tell you about the real me?"

"Why should I care? You're nothing but a dirty peasant."

"Right." I answered, a bit shocked. He was angry at me, which was probably why he was speaking this nonsense, but why does it even matter I'm poor. I thought he didn't care about that stuff.

"You know, I've changed my mind. Don't let anyone get too close to you, Nico. They might see what an ugly personality you have, under that Prince facade."

 I quickly spun around and stormed of, full of righteous anger, but also a niggling feeling of regret...

Sorry. 😑☹️

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