Poor Frank

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You may ask why this pot plant? Why not I say. 

Sorry this is late it took a while for me to get the motivation for me to write this. 

(Aka for me to be bothered cause I'm lazy as hell)


Percy's POV

I could hear Leo welcoming the person at the door inside from my hiding place. They soon made their way to the central room I was in just seconds ago, footsteps echoing throughout the house. I peered around the doorway I was behind to see who it was. I almost sighed in annoyance and gave away my whereabouts. Frank and Hazel. Great. 

Curious, I tried listening in on their conversation. Frank stood awkwardly off to the side saying nothing while Leo stuttered and asked them if they wanted food. I heard Hazel telling Frank she would like to talk to Leo alone and then an annoyed muttering coming closer to my hiding place. 

As he rounded the corner, and I almost came into view, I quickly leapt up and covered his mouth with my hands before he could scream or yell. When I pulled him down out of their sight beside me his eyes widened. I slowly removed my hands. "You?!" He exclaimed in a whisper, groaning slightly. "What are the chances," he whisper shouted "that you  are here at the same time I am. Hazel is here! If Hazel sees you here..." 

"I know!" I whisper shouted back "I'm not dumb. I didn't plan to come at the exact same time as you guys," I continued, annoyed. He didn't need to put the blame on me. I didn't want to be in this situation either.

Frank sighed, and didn't reply, so I went back to listening in on the conversation alongside him.

"...don't know, Leo," Hazel said "I want to go with you..."

"You can then!" He replied excitedly,

"Dad might not let me," Hazel argued weakly.

"You don't need to tell him. You've never told him where you are actually going before," Leo pleaded

"But...but I can't, Leo. I can't go. I can't do this anymore." She said.

"Do what?" He asked confused.

"We'll go, and we will still be just...dam friends!" She yelled

"You always ask and I expect you to ask me out on an actual date but you never do! You will never ask me out and I just...Arghh," she told him, frustrated.

I leaned past Frank to listen in on their conversation better. The drama!!!

Leo looked so surprised, he almost forgot to answer. Hazel, having finished her outburst, was waiting for an answer.

"I...you could've asked," He said, voice uncharacteristicly unsure.

"I didn't want it to seem like I was ordering you to date me or something. I didn't want you to feel forced to date me just because I'm a princess," She admitted.

"When have I ever felt obligated to do something because you are royalty? You may be a Princess but you've got nothing  on Leo Valdez, Super-sized Mcshizzle, sweetheart," He joked

Hazel laughed lightly.

"So...How would you, Princess Hazel, like to go with me to the festival, on a real date?" He asked, mock bowing.

"I'd love to," She replied.

"I know. Who wouldn't want to date me, Leo Valdez, Bad boy supreme?  All the ladies love me," He announced

Hazel punched him lightly in the arm. 

"Really? Do they? Which ladies?" She asked him mockingly.

"Ow. Okay fine, maybe it's just you," He told her,

"Cause I'm the only one crazy enough to," She joked.

I glanced at Frank to see how he was doing. He was staring blankly into nothing and clenching his fists.

"Frank. Frank are you okay?" I asked, trying to snap him out of it.

"Sure. I'm fucking fine. My best friend is taking away my chances with the best girl in the world. I feel just fabulous," he said through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry, man. Sucks to suck." I told him sympathetically.

Frank turned around and grabbed my shoulders. He looked crazy.

"Percy...I don't know what I will do. I can't just pretend nothing has happened with Leo. I'm Hazel's guard and when I'm with her all I'm supposed to do is protect her, and I can do that now, but when I see Leo next I'm afraid I might punch the shit out of him. He knew I liked her. I know he knew." Frank confessed.

"If this Leo guy is really your best friend...then you'll figure it out. You know, flings will come and go, but friendships last," I told him.

Dammit. That's what I was worried about. Nico was more than a fling, he was my friend now. Oh fuck I am desperately lonely.

"Hazel's not a fling." He said, sighing. 

"Well. I dunno. I probably have the worst advice. Don't listen to me." I warned.

"Who else's advice do I have to take?" He asked.

"Literally anyone but me. Do you not have friends?" I asked him.

He didn't reply so I just went back to watching Leo and Hazel. Hopefully Leo would shoo Hazel away so I could finally get out of here. 

As if he had heard my thoughts, Leo's head suddenly whipped up and looked around. 

"What?" Hazel questioned

"Oh, uh, sorry I just remembered I have a project I'm working on that I have to get to..." He said 

"Oh. Sure, I'll just get Frank and leave I guess," she said, disappointment clear in her voice.

Hurry up! I thought, restless.

Frank casually left our hiding place, and soon after I heard them both leave. Sighing in relief, I left my hiding spot and stretched out my arms and legs. 

"Well. Thanks Leo, see you around!" I told him,

"Bye," He said, still seeming to be in shock.

When I finally got out of the house I relaxed a bit. That was intense. 

I was going to continue to the next part but...I was tired I need sleep.

I hope you like it!


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