Undying Loyalty

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   "You'll regret ever challenging Lord Gyatsō, I can assure you that."

   Hikari's piercing blue eyes were staring into the Raikage's dark shades. The younger shinobi was able to see his own reflection in the small lenses. Bee slowly extended his pinky to form his signature bullhorns gesture once more. Rather than the taunt itself, Hikari's now concerned expression was due to the fact that red chakra was bubbling from the Raikage's fingertips.

   "As much as I hate to admit it, you certainly are a remarkable one. Even after unleashing a Tailed Beast Bomb, being struck by the Light Style, and defeating Zuko, you still have enough stamina to come at me at full strength," Hikari told him. By now, a chakra coat had engulfed Bee's body like a fire. Although Hikari couldn't tell, the Raikage was actually meditating where he stood. Gyuki was supplying his companion with his own chakra as the two of them conversed within the Jinchuriki's consciousness.

   "Yo, Eight-o. I'm not here for any aggression. If you couldn't tell from my expression, I'm sorry for this sudden session. But I got an important question," Bee told the Tailed Beast. Gyuki sighed a little as he directed his attention to the rapping shinobi.

   "You could be killed at any moment, and yet, your attitude still  doesn't change... what is it, Bee?"

   "Okaaay! Those other two guys have those crazy Shaolin eyes, but now that I'm trying this blonde one on for size, I'm starting to realise-"

   "Damnit, Bee! Please just cut the terrible rapping!" Gyuki yelled. His pleas were accompanied with another long and annoyed sigh. Bee readjusted his shades and pouted at the Tailed Beast.

   "Why are you so damn moody today, man?" the dark skinned shinobi asked.

   "Bee, if you die, I'll die with you. The last  thing I'd want to have in my head is sitting here and listening to that horrible rapping of yours. Take this seriously."

   Bee crossed his arms in defiance, but he knew that Gyuki was right. If Gyatsō and Zuko were to heal before he could kill Hikari, it'd be significantly more difficult to keep the village unscathed. He'd have to fully transform into his Tailed Beast State, and even then, given the Osore's strength, victory still  wouldn't be guaranteed. The Raikage pondered hard on what course of action to take. He looked back at Gyuki.

   "I just don't have any idea on what this guy can do yet," he said, frustrated. Gyuki remained silent for a few moments before eventually looking down at his host.

   "Do you remember when you shot that pointblank Tailed Beast Bomb at Gyatsō? This Hikari guy was the reason the both of them escaped. With that kind of speed, I'd say his attacks probably revolve around space-time ninjutsu," he said. Bee's face lit up like a Christmas tree when he heard that.

   "Oh, so that's the case! Know what? That reminds me of our fight against the Fourth Hokage so long ago," Bee said while chuckling a bit. With this information, he was itching to go against Hikari now. Gyuki immediately noticed the intensity in his host's chakra and caught himself to be laughing, too. Neither one of them forgot what it was like to do battle with that tenacious Minato.

   "Hikari isn't anything you haven't fought before. But still,just  be cautious. Anyone handpicked by Gyatsō himself has to be a highly exceptional shinobi," Gyuki warned. Bee smirked at the large beast's words.

   "I almost decapitated Gyatsō with that Lariat. His lackeys don't got nothing on me."

   "...How long do you plan on just standing there?" Hikari asked. Bee slowly opened his eyes to study his opponent thoroughly. He then looked over to a large rock that was in the distance.

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