Fall of Konoha - Dawn

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   "I've finally done it," Gyatsō said to himself softly. His Mūgetsu Shaolin blared as the crosses spun quickly. Immediately after, his hair turned pure white and began to shorten. He chuckled again as he crossed his arms, squinting.

   "So, I can freely manipulate my DNA structure to change my appearance.. interesting."

   Gyatsō walked around the cave before stopping at the sight of a ripped, black poncho near a tree stump. He picked it up and threw it over his body before slowly levitating once more. Deciding not to stop, he went straight through the ceiling, which demonstrated a new intangibility jutsu.

   As the wind furiously blew his hair to the side, Gyatsō looked down at the cave, widening his eyes as his Mūgetsu blared once more.

   Zuko once told me that one's field of vision shall be engulfed by hellfire upon awakening the Mūgetsu. Come forth, Ultimate Shaolin Art... of Catastrophic Hell Flames...!

   A moment later, the cave was engulfed in scorching red and black fire. In under less than five seconds, the cave was nearly melted. After a minute, the cave was gone, but the fire hadn't died yet. It began to seep into the ground, destroying the soil underneath as it kept on going. A large crater filled the ground with lava bubbling at the very bottom.

   Gyatsō chuckled once more, amazed at the potential of his Mūgetsu.

   "I lost so many loyal subordinates in order to get these eyes. It was worth it. Now then..."

   The Osore leader's pupils expanded before dilating. Suddenly, he was in front of the entrance to Konoha. Sounds of explosions and screams caused him to smile as he slowly walked forward.

   "Stop right there!" yelled a feminine voice.

   Konoha Jonin, Tenten, stood in front of Gyatsō with gritted teeth. The brunette kunoichi had gotten rid of her trademark buns in order to let her middle-lengthened hair grow straight down.

   Tenten studied Gyatsō closely as she pulled out a large scroll.

   "I don't know who you are, but if you make a single movement, I'll finish you!" she yelled at him. Gyatsō stared at her as he crossed his arms.

   "Do your worst..."

   The scroll in Tenten's hands immediately shot out large, spiked iron balls at Gyatsō. Laughing gently, the white-haired male extended his hand at the same time. An extremely brutal gust of wind blew from his body, causing a roaring blare to fill the area.

   Not only did this send the iron balls flying in random directions, but also blew Tenten back at intense speed. She crashed into a nearby building, which collapsed due to the force of the impact. Gyatsō then scoffed, walking towards the rubble.

   "Severe Leaf Hurricane!"

   A taller Rock Lee, who also wore a Jonin flak jacket, would appear at Gyatsō's side, sending a barrage of high-speed kicks to the male's abdomen. The white-haired male gripped Lee's leg as he lifted his own, delivering a hard kick to his chest. Lee muffled in pain as he managed to block the kick with his hand, but nonetheless, was sent flying back. 

   Gyatsō would then appear above him, gripping his neck before slamming the male into the ground.

   "Don't challenge a god," he said as he stood up, staring at the now unconscious Lee. His eyes then darted back to the rubble Tenten was under. 

   His Mūgetsu Shaolin blared as the wrecked cement levitated. Gyatsō bent over Tenten's body before shoving a kunai through her forehead. Tenten's body went limp as her blood stained his face. Slapping an explosion tag on the kunai, the male nonchalantly dragged Lee's body onto Tenten's as he levitated away. A massive explosion went off from where he left them.

   Flying across the southern part of the village, Gyatsō effortlessly murdered villagers and shinobi alike, including ANBU and Jonin. Even academy students who rushed to help villagers were caught in his merciless onslaught. 

   After five minutes of Hikari's continuous bombing of the village, as well as Osore attacks throughout, Gyatsō crossed his arms again, now levitating over the village. Otogakure shinobi were now swarming into the village, attacking villagers and Konoha shinobi.

   "Orochimaru... you bastard...!" Nori said through gritted teeth, falling to her knees. More blood leaked from her chest. 

   The serpentine Sannin cackled behind her before turning around, shrugging his shoulders. 

   "My, my, I never thought the precious daughter of Tsunade would fall this easily!" he said while cackling more. 

   "Why are you... doing this?!" she demanded. 

   "With the help of Gyatsō Mataba and his new Mūgetsu Shaolin, why wouldn't I play a part here?" he asked with a wide smile. Nori fell onto her stomach, her vision slowly fading away.

   "You'll... regret attacking this village... you son of a bitch, I... swear.."

   "Spare me the harsh warnings, Lady Hokage. Just shut up... and die!"

   Orochimaru took a moment before walking over to stand above Nori. He shoved the blade into Nori's head with brute force. The majority of the blade stuck out through her mouth.

   "Lady Nori!!" screamed Shizune, who had just caught sight of the scene. The dark haired woman gritted her teeth as she glared at Orochimaru, who gave her a smirk back. 

   Chakra blades flared up from Shizune's hands as she ran to Orochimaru. 

   "Ah, the assistant?" he mumbled, pulling the sword out of Nori's head.

   "I'll make you pay for what you've done to her!!" Shizune screamed, now in front of Orochimaru. 

   The Sannin quickly sidestepped at the last moment before twirling around, slashing the back of Shizune's head.

   Ughhhhh, thought Akazo as he began to open his eyes. He was still in the hospital.

   My head is throbbing... huh? What's that noise?

   He pulled the covers off of his body before looking up to see multiple Oto shinobi surrounding him. He then widened his eyes as he gasped to himself lightly.

   "What the hell?!"

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